Bridge Briefs for tomorrow's VA-Gov debate
In preparation for tomorrow's Gubernatorial debate between Terry McAuliffe and Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, American Bridge released the following Bridge Briefs:
Cuccinelli’s Anti-Woman Record Cuccinelli, Personhood & Birth Control Cuccinelli’s Anti-Gay Views & Statements Cuccinelli’s Disastrous Tax Plan Cuccinelli’s Opposition to Bipartisan Transportation Plan
BRIDGE BRIEF: Cuccinelli's Anti-Woman Record
Cuccinelli Withheld Support From Bipartisan Letter From 47 Attorneys General Urging Reauthorization Of The Violence Against Women Act. According to the Washington Times, “Kenneth T. Cuccinelli II was one of just three state attorneys general who did not sign onto a letter urging Congress to reauthorize the federal Violence Against Women Act - a decision that is now placing Virginia’s top prosecutor squarely in the middle of another politically charged debate. The letter drew widespread bipartisan support from members of the National Association of Attorneys General when it was issued in January, and with debate over the act heating up in Congress, Mr. Cuccinelli has been urged to reconsider withholding his support.” [Washington Times, 4/1/13] Cuccinelli Opposed Abortion In Cases Of Rape And Incest. According to the Washington Post, “Where Cuccinelli opposes abortion -- without exception in the case of rape or incest -- Belter supports abortion rights.” [Washington Post, 8/05/02]
BRIDGE BRIEF: Cuccinelli's Anti-Gay Views & Statements
Cuccinelli Said That “Homosexual Acts” Should Be Illegal Because “They Don’t Comport With Natural Law.” According to a Virginian-Pilot editorial Cuccinelli said, “My view is that homosexual acts, not homosexuality, but homosexual acts are wrong. They’re intrinsically wrong. And I think in a natural law based country it’s appropriate to have policies that reflect that. ... They don’t comport with natural law. I happen to think that it represents (to put it politely; I need my thesaurus to be polite) behavior that is not healthy to an individual and in aggregate is not healthy to society.” [Editorial – Virginian-Pilot, 10/26/09] Cuccinelli Said That The Acts Of Homosexuality Are “A Detriment To Our Culture.” According to an interview exchange with Cucinelli aired on MSNBC, “UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: You think gays -- the practice of homosexuality is a detriment to our culture? KEN CUCCINELLI, VIRGINIA STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL: The acts are. I mean, you certainly want everybody in your society to be integrated into society, so that`s a focus that I’d like to take.” [MSNBC, 3/192010] Cuccinelli Said Homosexuality “Brings Nothing But Self-Destruction, Not Only Physically But Of Their Soul.” According to the Washington Post, “Cuccinelli told the Family Foundation that the ranks of conservatives who still focus on the social issues are quite small in the state Senate, with but six conservatives among 19 Republican senators. That's a tally many on the other side of the aisle would find all too stinting. But Cuccinelli said all is not lost. Despite the Democrats taking back the Senate this year, a few Democrats support the right on social issues. ‘And on the homosexual agenda,’ the senator said, "we will sometimes get members of the Black Caucus with us.’ ‘Your prayers strengthen us,’ Cuccinelli said, telling about his effort to defeat a resolution expressing support for a Richmond gay organization. ‘When you look at the homosexual agenda, I cannot support something that I believe brings nothing but self-destruction, not only physically but of their soul.’” [Washington Post, 2/5/08]
BRIDGE BRIEF: Cuccinelli's Disastrous Tax Plan
Cuccinelli Proposed Cutting Taxes By $1.4 Billion By Reducing Income And Corporate Taxes. According to NBC Washington, “Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli released his tax plan Tuesday that would cut about $1.4 billion in taxes by reducing the state’s personal income and corporate tax rate. His proposed plan, “Economic Growth and Virginia Jobs Plan,” would reduce the personal income tax from 5.75 percent to 5 percent and the corporate tax rate from 6 percent to 4 percent.” [NBC Washington, 5/8/13] More Than 75% Of The Tax Cuts Would Go To Households Earning At Least $108,000 A Year. According to the Washington Post, “The Richmond-based Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis examined one piece of that proposal — Cuccinelli’s plan to reduce Virginia’s top individual tax rate from 5.75 percent to 5 percent — and found that the state’s wealthiest citizens would benefit the most. ‘Nearly 4 in 10 Virginians (39 percent), mostly low- and moderate-income households, would see no reduction in their income tax bill,’ the institute said. ‘No Virginian earning less than $21,000 would receive a tax cut under the proposal and only half of all families earning between $21,000 and $39,000 would see their taxes reduced.’ More than three-fourths of the benefits of the tax cut would go to households earning at least $108,000, the analysis found, , while middle-class taxpayers would get a relatively small cut. [Washington Post, 5/16/13] Washington Post Editorial: Like Mitt Romney, Cuccinelli Refuses To Say How He Would Pay For His Tax Plan. According to a Washington Post staff editorial, “Like Mitt Romney, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli II wants to cut taxes — by a lot. Like Mr. Romney, Mr. Cuccinelli, the Republican candidate for governor, promises this would not reduce government revenues by a dime, since he would also eliminate significant tax loopholes and deductions. And like Mr. Romney, Mr. Cuccinelli adamantly refuses to identify these loopholes and deductions. Why would Mr. Cuccinelli expect Virginians to fall for this?” [Washington Post, 5/9/13]
BRIDGE BRIEF: Cuccinelli's Opposition to Bipartisan Transportation Plan
Washington Post Editorial: Cuccinelli Opposed “Every Significant, Politically Viable” Effort on Transportation “For More than a Decade.” According to a staff editorial in the Washington Post, “In fact, it is consistent with his opposition to every significant, politically viable effort to rescue the state’s transportation fund for more than a decade.” [Washington Post, Editorial, 3/17/13]
Republican Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling: Cuccinelli's Opposition to the Transportation Compromise “Shows How Out of Touch He Is With the People of Virginia.” According to the Washington Examiner, “Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling, a Republican who may enter the race as an independent, also chastised Cuccinelli, saying his opposition could prevent the General Assembly from finally solving the state's transportation problems. ‘His opposition to this historic transportation agreement just shows how out of touch he is with the people of Virginia,’ Bolling said. ‘It is not the least bit helpful to have him coming in at the last minute criticizing this proposal. That's not what leadership is about.’” [Washington Examiner, 2/21/13]
Infographic: The Curious Timing of Cuccinelli's Investments
Here's a new infographic/timeline illustrating the curious timing of Ken Cuccinelli's stock transactions in Star Scientific paired with his vacations/gifts from the company's scandal-ridden CEO, Jonnie Williams.
American Bridge Announces New Effort To Defend 2016 Dems From GOP Smears will fight back against Republican attacks
WASHINGTON – Expanding its scope beyond Republican candidates for office, American Bridge 21st Century announced today the launch of Correct the Record, a dedicated research, tracking and rapid response communications project to defend Democrats in preparation for the 2016 Presidential election.
The website,, will introduce an aggressive rapid response program to defend potential Democratic candidates from false attacks leveled by Republicans, and also will house the early opposition research and video tracking already being done by American Bridge on potential Republican candidates.Though more than three years from the next presidential election, Democratic leaders like former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Vice President Joe Biden, and others are already being subjected to coordinated attacks from Republican figures and organizations. In May, Karl Rove’s American Crossroads released an attack ad against Secretary Clinton, politicizing the tragedy in Benghazi. In June, another Republican Super PAC, America Rising, launched a “Stop Hillary 2016” campaign. And House Republican leaders are using taxpayer dollars to fund partisan witch hunts with a clear eye towards 2016.
Rand Paul “Agrees to Disagree” With Self on Gay Marriage
In the aftermath of yesterday’s historic Supreme Court decision overturning DOMA, Sen. Rand Paul appeared to distance himself from his Republican colleagues eager to rush to the wrong side of history. ABC News reported that “Paul said he agreed with [Justice Anthony] Kennedy,” calling the ruling “appropriate” and “tried to strike a balance.” But hours later, Paul debased himself and any moderate image he’s been crafting in a cheap ploy to curry favor from Glenn Beck. As Beck speculated on the possibility of the court’s decision leading to polygamy, Paul threw himself head-first down the slippery slope by raising the specter of legalized bestiality: “But it is difficult because if we have no laws on this people take it to one extension further. Does it have to be humans?” [gallery link="file" ids="10219,10220"]
VIDEO: EW Jackson says Great Society worse for black families than slavery
As you may have heard, EW Jackson yesterday said that government programs started in the 60s were worse for black families than slavery was.
"Legitimate rape." Forced ultrasounds. "Something that God intended." These aren't isolated gaffes, but a fundamental problem in GOP policies on rape, pregnancy and women's personal health care decisions. Even if they don't talk about it the same way, the shocking views expressed by Todd Akin are shared by many others in the Republican Party.