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News Tuesday, Dec 17 2013

VIDEO: "Great Job" — The loooong list of scandals/resignations under Rick Scott

Adam Hollingsworth, Steve McNamara, Tony Bennett, David Wilkins, Hunting Deutsch, Jennifer Carroll... the list of scandals and/or resignations from Rick Scott's administration is disturbingly long. Perhaps the only things more alarming than Scott's obviously flawed judgment when filling his administration are his repeated assertions that the aforementioned staffers were doing a "great job" while being consumed by controversy.

News Monday, Dec 16 2013

Tom Cotton flees reporters at Florida fundraiser (VIDEO)

It looks like Tom Cotton was a bit skittish this AM when he spotted reporters outside a Miami fundraiser. It's not surprising that he'd dodge the press, though, since he was neglecting his day job to hobnob with out-of-state donors.

Perhaps a little too skittish....

News Thursday, Dec 12 2013

Scott Brown Still Has Massachusetts Plates

Former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, who is publicly flirting with a 2014 Senate campaign in "Massachesett--uh, in New Hampshire," has spent months parading around the state in his famous GMC truck. It seems that Brown was in such a rush, however, that he overlooked crucial details before jumping over the state line to hobnob with New Hampshire Republicans. As you can see below, Brown's famous truck still has Massachusetts plates. Without a New Hampshire license plate to call his own, it's no wonder that while speaking at a fundraiser this summer, Scott Brown tried to recite New Hampshire's famous state motto "Live Free AND Die," before struggling to recover and correcting himself. Perhaps now is the time for Scott Brown to invest in NH plates, if only to remind him what state he's in and what their motto is.

News Thursday, Dec 12 2013

VIDEO: Rick Scott Turns His Back on Medicaid Questions, Florida Families

The failure of Gov. Rick Scott and Florida Republicans to expand Medicaid as provisioned under the Affordable Care Act has subjected hundreds of thousands of low-income Floridians to uncertainty over their access to affordable health insurance. According to the Tampa Bay Times, these are families too poor to qualify for federal subsidies, yet can’t qualify for Florida’s Medicaid program, “one of the stingiest in the nation.”

News Tuesday, Dec 10 2013

How to Talk to Women: A GOP Training Video

In an admission that today's GOP is stuck in the past, Washington Republicans apparently find it necessary to tutor fellow GOPers on how to run for office without offending female voters and/or opponents. While searching over the weekend, American Bridge researchers uncovered* a secret Republican training video seemingly used to teach GOP officials what not to say about women and their health care. (*just kidding, we made this)

News Monday, Dec 9 2013

Rand Paul's "African-American" Outreach Delivered for White Audience

In the latest failure of the GOP’s Rebranding campaign, the RNC dispatched Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) to Detroit last week for the opening of a new African-American Engagement Office. Yet even in a city that is approximately 83 percent African-American, American Bridge’s footage from an event at the Grace Bible Chapel shows Paul’s audience to be predominantly white. As reported by the Huffington Post, “the launch event put into stark relief just how much work the GOP has to do.” While the GOP’s outreach won’t be taken seriously without a significant recalibration of policy priorities, the choice of Paul as designated emissary to minority communities suggests a particular hollowness in their efforts. Earlier this year, Paul gave a condescending speech to the students of historically-black Howard University in which his revisionist history of the Republican Party and racial politics conveniently omitted the previous 50 years. During that speech, Paul also lied about his previous remarks opposing the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

News Friday, Dec 6 2013

Oops! Scott Brown forgets what state he’s in: "Massachus-New Hampshire" (VIDEO)

Last night, former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown put Rick Perry's "Oops!" moment to shame by officially forgetting what state he is publicly flirting with seeking office in. While discussing his timetable for making a decision about a potential Senate run (in Londonderry, NEW HAMPSHIRE) Scott Brown said...

What I've heard from the Republicans up here is they're thankful that I've been around for a year, helping them raise money, helping them raise awareness as to the issues that are effecting not only people here in Massachesett--uh, in New Hampshire, but also in Massachusetts, obviously, in Maine. I've been to Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecticut, I've been all over the New England area, certainly, talking and helping people raise money.

News Tuesday, Dec 3 2013

Scott Walker: Anti-Immigrant from His Policies to His Personnel

After the 2012 elections, Republican officials nationwide agreed that the party would have to improve its standing among Latinos before the next presidential election. Unfortunately for the party's future electoral hopes, recommendations laid out in the vaunted "autopsy" from the RNC were all but ignored as Republicans followed the lead of anti-immigrant Congressman Steve King in their attempt to kill immigration reform. "Look to the governors" is a common refrain among Republican leaders who insist that GOP leaders in the states will magically solve the party's problem with constituencies such as Latinos, young voters and women. Just today, however, it was reported that a campaign staffer for Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) had published shockingly offensive and racist tweets, including one threatening to "choke that illegal mex." In damage control mode, Gov. Walker fired the staffer. The occurrence was remarkably similar to a situation this August, where another Walker employee was fired for comparing undocumented immigrants to Satan. Walker was right to fire those employees, but he's not out of the woods with Latino voters. Not by a long shot. When he faces voters, Walker will have to answer for dismantling tuition equality for the children of undocumented immigrants in Wisconsin.

News Tuesday, Oct 29 2013

VIDEO: GOP's Botched Rebranding: North Carolina Edition

Last Monday, the RNC opened up a new "African-American Engagement Office" in North Carolina. Later that day, State Rep. Larry Pittman uttered his now-infamous joke about President Obama not being a traitor... because he's never harmed Kenya.

News Tuesday, Oct 29 2013

NEWS: American Bridge Launches GOTV Ad Campaign in Support of McAuliffe

American Bridge 21st Century today announced a new digital campaign to help Virginia  voters locate their polling place and learn about the Republican ticket’s history of fighting to restrict voting rights.

Earlier this year, Republicans in Virginia passed a restrictive new law to change voting requirements in the Commonwealth. The law limits the list of permissible forms of identification and severely restricts voters’ ability to cast a provisional ballot in the event they can only provide non-photo identification as proof of identity. The law hasn’t yet gone into effect and can only be stopped by electing Democrats like Terry McAuliffe, who will fight to uphold voters’ rights.

“Like many Republicans across the country, Ken Cuccinelli and Republicans in Virginia are trying to change the law to make it harder for minorities to vote. These desperate and cynical plans to gain the upper hand on Election Day are nothing more than an attack on democracy and our values as a nation,” said American Bridge president Rodell Mollineau. “Virginia deserves leaders who seek to inspire more people to make their voices heard, not craven politicians who gleefully suppress the rights of others for political gain. That’s why it’s crucial for Virginians who supports the right to vote for all Americans to find their polling place and vote for Terry McAuliffe and the Democrats.”

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