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News Friday, Aug 24 2012


Mitt Romney is throwing a party, and Mike Huckabee is on the VIP list. Huckabee has broken from mainstream Americans and raced to defend Rep. Todd Akin's hateful and disgusting comments about “legitimate rape.” In fact, according to The Atlantic, Huckabee has emerged as "Akin's Biggest Backer." Share this graphic on Facebook.

Friday, Aug 24 2012

#DropHuck Effort: It’s Not Just His Support Of Akin

WASHINGTON - American Bridge today launched its #DropHuck petition drive and online ad campaign demanding Mitt Romney drop Todd Akin-backer and Republican leader Mike Huckabee from his prime time speaking slot at the Republican National Convention., the effort’s online hub, is equipped with a petition and web ad allowing voters to see first hand the offensive and inexcusable ideas Huckabee is supporting. As the research below shows, Huckabee’s steadfast support of Akin is far from an isolated occurrence. Throughout his career, Huckabee has shown he is on the wrong side of issues impacting women and victims of rape.

News Friday, Aug 24 2012 Launches Today

WASHINGTON – Calling attention to the myriad ethical lapses and law enforcement investigations into Florida Rep. David Rivera, American Bridge 21st Century today released This website details the numerous investigations into Rivera’s alleged ethical violations, money laundering, tax evasion, and funding a fake primary challenge to his Democratic opponent.

News Thursday, Aug 23 2012

Drop Huck

Log Cabin Republicans have fought to promote LGBT equality for many years. But right now, they’re on the eve of an important choice: Should they endorse Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan for President and Vice President of the United States? We’re calling on Log Cabin Republicans to stand in solidarity with our community: LGBT Americans and straight allies. Add your name to our letter asking Log Cabin Republicans to withhold their endorsement of the Romney / Ryan ticket.

Josh Mandel Thursday, Aug 23 2012

Josh Mandel Refusing to Comply with Ohio Open Records Law

WASHINGTON – American Bridge 21st Century is calling on Ohio Treasurer and Senate candidate Josh Mandel to comply with Ohio open records law after our requests have gone ignored for months. American Bridge has submitted two simple requests nine and ten weeks ago for which we have received no information or even an acknowledgment. We contend that Mandel is now in violation of the law for failing to respond in a reasonable amount of time. Mandel’s office has been in the news lately for his failure to comply with these types of requests despite claiming in the press to support transparency and compliance with the federal Freedom of Information Act. “This is yet another example of Josh Mandel making verifiably false statements to the press while failing to comply with the simplest of duties,” said Matt Thornton, spokesman for American Bridge 21st Century. “Mandel’s entire justification for running for Senate is his supposed expert management of the Treasurer’s office -- a job he is obviously neglecting.”

News Energy Thursday, Aug 23 2012

BRIDGE BRIEFING: Romney's Record On Energy

Romney Supported The Ryan Budget Cutting Funding For Alternative Energy And Maintaining Tax Breaks And Subsidies For The Oil Industry

Romney Endorsed The FY2013 Ryan Plan Which Would Slash Funding For Energy Research And Eliminate Federal Subsidies For Alternative Energy Firms. According to the Los Angeles Times, “Last week, Rep. Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) unveiled a new Republican budget proposal that Romney and other GOP candidates quickly endorsed. Ryan’s budget would eliminate federal subsidies and tax breaks for alternative energy firms and would slash funding for energy research.” [Los Angeles Times, 3/25/12]

Monday, Aug 20 2012

VIDEO: Todd Akin's Shocking "Legitimate Rape" Remark

Yesterday American Bridge researchers caught Todd Akin -- the Republican Senate candidate in Missouri -- when said on-camera that victims…

News Wednesday, Aug 15 2012

Mitt Gets Worse Releases Statement On Overwhelming Support Of Log Cabin Republicans Petition

WASHINGTON - Mitt Gets Worse founders David Brock of American Bridge and Rick Jacobs of Courage Campaign Super PAC released the following statement after the campaign's petition urging the Log Cabin Republicans to refrain from endorsing the Romney-Ryan ticket: "In just 24 hours, more than 15,000 people have joined our effort urging the Log Cabin Republicans to refrain from endorsing Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. We have enormous respect for the Log Cabin Republicans and all they've done to make life better for LGBT Americans. After examining their records, we're certain that under a Romney-Ryan administration, things would get worse. Much worse. We're hopeful that Log Cabin Republicans will live up to their reputation for independence and stand up for what they know is right. After all, If they didn’t endorse George W. Bush, why would they endorse Romney-Ryan, whose policies are as bad or worse than Bush's for LGBT people?”

News Wednesday, Aug 15 2012

MEMO: The Record Tommy Thompson Wants You To Forget

To: Interested Parties From: Matt Thornton, Senior Communications Adviser, American Bridge 21st Century Date: 8/14/2012 RE: The record Tommy Thompson wants you to forget Perhaps in a bout of nostalgia, Wisconsin Republicans have nominated former governor Tommy Thompson as their party’s Senate nominee. But much like seeing Brett Favre in Vikings purple, Wisconsin voters are in for the rude surprise that Thompson is no longer on their side. Thompson left the Badger State behind when he was tapped to serve in George W. Bush’s cabinet. Less clear is when he abandoned Wisconsin values to become the worst embodiment of Washington’s revolving-door. After leaving the Bush administration, Thompson cashed in on his public service experience, amassing over $13 million with help from his ties to the numerous companies for which he served on their boards or did “consulting.” His client list included more than a dozen pharmaceutical or health care companies which he had previously been entrusted to regulate. Moderate voters will also be disappointed to learn of Thompson’s far-right shift on health care during the primary to appeal to the Tea Party. Once a supporter of health care reform to ease the burden on struggling families, Thompson embraced radical Tea Party rhetoric to criticize the reform he earlier backed. Calling for health care reform to “be sent to the ash heap of history” is a far cry from the praise he showered on the bill he once called an “important step” – and one that made him a rich man. Tommy Thompson may be a familiar name for Wisconsin voters, but they’ll soon realize he’s not the same candidate they thought they knew.

News Tuesday, Aug 14 2012

VIDEO: Romney's Cayman Daydream

Wonder what was going through Mitt Romney's head when Paul Ryan went off script and bashed tax shelters for the wealthy during their 60 Minutes interview? American Bridge president Rodell Mollineau said, "Paul Ryan is off to a rough start, and not just because he's less popular than Sarah Palin or Dick Cheney. In one simple thought, Ryan both embarrassed Mitt Romney and spouted falsehoods about the Republicans' agenda. In truth, the Romney-Ryan plan not only fails to eliminate loopholes and giveaways, it places a heavy burden on the middle class by lowering tax rates for multimillionaires like Mitt Romney to less than 1%."

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