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AB Leadership Friday, Mar 16 2012

POLITICO: For Romney, It Could Be Worse

On March 15, 2012, POLITICO reported:

“Every campaign has to make decisions about what type of organization they want to build and what their priorities will be. Mitt Romney has been very fortunate that none of his opponents, from Perry to Newt to Santorum to [Tim] Pawlenty, have seemed to place a high value on research. He is an incredibly flawed candidate and every day we see opportunity after opportunity to highlight his hypocrisy,” said Democratic strategist Ty Matsdorf, war room director for the research-savvy group American Bridge. “Yet it seems his Republican opponents can’t even muster the simplest of pushback.”

News Thursday, Mar 15 2012

Dick Lugar: The Jet Set Senator

It's not just that Dick Lugar has gone Washington. He's gone everywhere -- except Indiana.

News Wednesday, Mar 14 2012

POLITICO: Santorum Mailer Highlights Limbaugh Praise

On March 13, 2012, POLITICO reported:

Limbaugh, who has been at the center of the last month's political firestorm over contraception, is quoted saying: "I know that if Rick Santorum were elected president, I wouldn't have one doubt any day what he would be fighting for, not one. And it would be great if he could get there."

AB Leadership Wednesday, Mar 14 2012

Huffington Post: Tommy Thompson, Senate Hopeful And Former Governor, Says He's Not A 'Professional Politician'

On March 13, 2012, the Huffington Post reported:

In all, Thompson has served 35 years in public office and another four years as a Cabinet official, not counting the time he spent running for office. Thompson is 70 years old, meaning that he has spent at least half his life in politics. Nevertheless, on Tuesday, Thompson insisted that he is not a "professional politician."

AB Leadership Tuesday, Mar 13 2012

POLITICO: Santorum Clings To Team Of Pals

On March 12, 2012, POLITICO reported:

“Every day we track as the Romney campaign touts endorsement after endorsement from lobbyists. So for the Santorum campaign to not fight back and show that Romney’s attacks are totally hypocritical is asinine,” said Ty Matsdorf, senior adviser at the oppo-slinging Democratic independent group American Bridge. “If it was malpractice for Gingrich to take four months to fight back against Romney’s Fannie/Freddie attacks, this is even worse because given how weak Romney is, with a little bit better of an organization Santorum would be cruising to the nomination.”

AB Leadership Josh Mandel Saturday, Mar 10 2012

Huffington Post: Josh Mandel Senate Campaign Aides Block Democratic Trackers

On March 9, 2012, the Huffington Post reported:

When Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel (R) formally kicked off his Senate campaign earlier this month, a scuffle in the back of the room drew attention away from him. A Mandel aide was using his hands, body, head and hair to block a state Democratic Party employee from filming Mandel as he spoke and gladhanded around the room. The practice of taping opponents' public comments, known as tracking, is common but some in Ohio said Mandel's campaign is the "most aggressive" in blocking it.

News Thursday, Mar 8 2012

Dear Rush … Love, Mitt

Two years ago today, during an interview with NewsMax, Mitt Romney admitted he finds it "hard to disagree with Rush Limbaugh on topics." Given what we've seen from Romney over the past couple weeks, it's obvious he was telling the truth. To commemorate the two-year anniversary of the Romney/Limbaugh love-fest, we've created two digital greeting cards "to" Rush "from" Mitt. Check them out in the extended entry.

AB Leadership Foreign Policy Wednesday, Mar 7 2012

Mediaite: Iran, Iran So Far Away: Mitt Romney Talks Tough Now, Wanted To Check With Lawyers In 2007

On March 6, 2012, Mediaite reported:

On the heels of President Obama’s tough, well-received speech to AIPAC this past weekend, leading GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney is out with a butch new op-ed that continues his self-reinvention as a foreign policy Chuck Norris. However, progressive SuperPAC American Bridge has released a web video to remind Americans that, just like his declaration that “any president” would have greenlit the Osama bin Laden raid, the Mitt Romney of 2007 clucked a different tune.

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