Washington Post: Mitt Romney Consultants Benefit From Campaign
On February 27, 2012, the Washington Post reported:
The arrangement not only benefits several of those close to the former Massachusetts governor but also makes it harder to determine how he is spending his donors’ money, because salaries and other details about outside operations are kept under wraps.
ABC News: Mitt Romney's Surrogate Headache: Can't Live With 'Em, Can't Live Without 'Em
On February 27, 2012, ABC News reported:
[Jim] Talent, a senior adviser to the Romney campaign and former senator from Missouri, recently spoke on a conference call to call Rick Santorum out as an over-spender. But as the Democratic super PAC, American Bridge, was only too pleased to point out, the conservative Club for Growth once called Talent out for exactly the same kind of spending behavior. "In his previous time in the Senate, prior to losing to [Sen. Claire] McCaskill in 2006, Talent voted to raid the Social Security Trust Fund, for the infamous 'Bridge to Nowhere' earmark, and for other pork-laden budget busters," the Club wrote in a 2010 news release, unearthed by American Bridge.
NY Times: Santorum Makes Case For Religion In Public Sphere
On February 26, 2012, the New York Times reported:
But the crowd initially booed Mr. Romney, who occasionally struck a discordant note, as when he approached a group of fans wearing plastic ponchos. “I like those fancy raincoats you bought,” he said. “Really sprung for the big bucks.” And when asked if he was a fan of the sport, he mentioned that “I have some great friends who are Nascar team owners.”
Boston Globe: Mitt Romney, PAC Share Consultants In Single Office
On February 26, 2012, the Boston Globe reported:
When Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign needs advice on direct mail strategies for reaching voters, it looks to TargetPoint Consulting. And when the independent super PAC supporting him needs voter research, it, too, goes to TargetPoint. Sharing a consultant would seem to be an embodiment of coordination between a candidate and an independent group, something prohibited under federal law. But TargetPoint is just one of a handful of interconnected firms in the same office suite in Alexandria, Va., all working for the Romney campaign or the super PAC Restore Our Future.
Huffington Post: Josh Mandel, Ohio Treasurer And Senate Candidate, Skipped Board Meetings For No Known Reason
On February 24, 2012, the Huffington Post reported:
Josh Mandel, the Republican Ohio treasurer looking to move up to the Senate seat held by Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown, appears to have skipped meetings of the state Board of Deposit for mysterious reasons. Mandel, who officially chairs the board, has not attended even one of its 14 monthly meetings since he was elected treasurer. His schedules for those days, provided to The Huffington Post, do not clarify what was more pressing for the young treasurer than attending sessions of a body that oversees billions in state funds.
POLITICO: Romney's New Mich. Ad Hits Santorum Experience, Sotomayor Vote
On February 24, 2012, POLITICO reported:
The Sotomayor criticism is notable, since she’s a figure of real popularity among some Latinos and particularly Puerto Rican voters. It’s also a bit awkward, timing-wise, since Romney just picked up the endorsement of Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander, who supported Sotomayor for the Supreme Court.
TPM: Denny Rehberg’s Drunk Boating Joke Hits Close To Home
On February 24, 2012, Talking Points Memo reported:
However, a joke about a drunken boating accident might not be the best analogy for Rehberg to be making — as he was himself injured in a serious boating accident in August 2009.
Columbus Dispatch: Treasurer Josh Mandel Skips Board Of Deposit (Again)…And He's Just Fine With That
On February 23, The Columbus Dispatch reported:
Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel did not attend today's Ohio Board of Deposit meeting, the 14th consecutive such session he's bypassed since becoming the state's financial chief last year.
MSNBC: Worst. Surrogates. Ever.
On February 23, 2012, Steve Benen wrote on MSNBC's The Maddow Blog:
When compared against his Republican rivals, Mitt Romney enjoys far more support from his party's establishment, giving him a small army of GOP surrogates he can dispatch to get his message out to the public. Of course, this only works when the campaign's surrogates (a) aren't embarrassing, and (b) actually agree with Romney's message.
AP: Thompson Tells Opponents: Get Out
On February 23, 2012, the Associated Press reported:
Former Gov. Tommy Thompson said Thursday he didn't expect any Republican challengers in the U.S. Senate race and those who believe his time has passed should "get the hell out of my way."