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News Jobs Taxes Friday, Jan 13 2012

DeKalb Residents React To Steel Dynamics

Butler Resident Diane Pinney: “We That Are On Social Security And Minimum Wages Cannot Afford Another Penny!” In letter written to the editor of The Butler Bulletin, Butler resident Diane Pinney wrote, “An article in today’s Journal Gazette (February 11, 1994) came to my attention. In fact, it hit me in the face! It seems that Keith Busse of Steel Dynamics, the Butler City Council, and Tom Lavin of the DeKalb County Council have been meeting directly, making deals for the Steel Dynamics plant that involve new taxes on Butler residents and all of DeKalb County…We that are on Social Security and minimum wages cannot afford another penny!!! When are we going to learn to say NO to this type of business deal? What are we going to get in return from this steel mill? I’m afraid that we’re only going to get taken- again!” [The Butler Bulletin, 2/15/94] See more reactions after the jump.

News Jobs Taxes Friday, Jan 13 2012

ICYMI: Romney Profited From Government Handouts

This morning, the Los Angeles Times reported on Mitt Romney's reliance on tax breaks and government subsidies while working in private equity. The article focuses on Steel Dynamics, the same steel company featured in Romney's positive ad released just this morning, and all of the government help they received. In fact, Dekalb County was forced to institute a new tax to pay for all of the handouts. Despite his constant opposition to government interference in the free market, Mitt Romney has a long history of profiting from government handouts. Research after the jump.

News Health Care Friday, Jan 13 2012

WSJ: Wall Street, Washington And Gingrich

On January 13, 2012, the Wall Street Journal reported:

Newt Gingrich and his consulting companies helped financial-services giant Credit Suisse Group gather exclusive Washington information and analysis, showing that the Republican presidential candidate benefited from a practice that has come under fire from lawmakers. This "political intelligence" business—while legal—also risks muddying the campaign argument by the former House speaker that he has been a Washington outsider since he left Congress in 1999.

AB Leadership Economy Jobs Taxes Friday, Jan 13 2012

LA Times: Mitt Romney No Stranger To Tax Breaks, Subsidies

On January 12, 2012, the Los Angeles Times reported:

As Mitt Romney defends his record running a private equity firm, he frequently points to a fast-growing Indiana steel company, financed in part by Bain Capital, that now employs 6,000 workers. What Romney doesn't mention is that Steel Dynamics also received generous tax breaks and other subsidies provided by the state of Indiana and the residents of DeKalb County, where the company's first mill was built. The story of Bain and Steel Dynamics illustrates how Romney, during his business career, made avid use of public-private partnerships, something that many conservatives consider to be "corporate welfare." It is a commitment that carried over into his term as governor of Massachusetts, when he offered similar incentives to lure businesses to his state.

AB Leadership Jobs Wednesday, Jan 11 2012

Real Clear Politics: Romney's Tough Final Day In New Hampshire

On Janury 10, 2012, Real Clear Politics reported:

Romney's troubles began early in the morning when he told a crowd in Nashua, "I like being able to fire people who provide services to me." [...] The Democratic group American Bridge issued a research document hitting Romney with a more substantive question based on the heart of his remark -- firing a service that isn’t performing well. “Why did he refuse to fire the landscaping company he employed to take care of his lawn even after he found out they hired illegal immigrants to care for his property?” the group asked. “He waited until he was running for office (for Pete's sake!) to do something about it.”

AB Leadership Wednesday, Jan 11 2012

USA Today: Democratic Groups Link Romney To Rove In Video

On January 10, 2012, USA Today reported:

Democrats are loving all the Republican infighting, especially the attacks on front-runner Mitt Romney -- and they're looking to stir the pot. [...] "The Republican establishment's king maker is lining up for Romney," says the Internet ad. "If he's Karl Rove's kind of candidate, do you really want him to be yours?"

AB Leadership Wednesday, Jan 11 2012

Miami Herald: Liberal Attack Group Blasts Marco Rubio For "Hypocrisy" Over Debt

On January 10, 2012, the Miami Herald wrote:

If Sen. Marco Rubio is eventually tapped to be a Republican vice-presidential candidate, expect a lot more of this from groups like American Bridge 21st Century...

News Tuesday, Jan 10 2012

Marco Rubio's Deadbeat Hypocrisy

Marco Rubio recently sent an email to supporters touting a letter he sent to President Obama to “oppose his request to continue borrowing and spending recklessly.” In it, he accuses the president of turning the US into “a deadbeat nation.” Given Rubio’s financial and ethical failings, he has absolutely no ground to stand on, and this attack reeks of hypocrisy. Before he goes throwing around words like "deadbeat," perhaps Marco Rubio should take a look at his own record first. After all, we certainly will. The president is working to create jobs; Rubio used the state party credit card to remodel his home. Which one is the deadbeat? Research after the jump.

News Tuesday, Jan 10 2012

VIDEO: Romney's Ugly Coronation

Though Mitt Romney has spent 5 years of his run for President mired at 25%, there is one group that is signaling their singular support: the Washington Establishment. And Karl Rove, the king of conventional GOP wisdom is working double-time to make sure rank-and-file Republicans know it's time to fall in line. Through his constant television appearances and weekly op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Rove has consistently favored Mitt Romney and done what he does best: work to tear down any credible rival to Romney. He declared Romney’s tie with Santorum “a big win for Romney in Iowa.” He systemically unleashes harsh critiques of the latest what he calls “the GOP’s not Romney.” He defends Romney’s gaffes and policies, including the Massachusetts health care plan most Republicans dislike. For Rove, helping the favored candidate of Wall Street is an important sign of trust for the billionaire executives that Rove relies on for contributions. For Romney, earning Rove’s embrace is the successful culmination of six-years of saying anything to win the support of the Washington Republican establishment.

AB Leadership Tuesday, Jan 10 2012

Tampa Bay Times: Connie Mack Hit For Hitting The Red Carpet, In California

On January 9, 2012, the Tampa Bay Times reported:

U.S. [Representative] Connie Mack, who is running for U.S. Senate in Florida, attended the Palm Springs International Film Festival over the weekend with his wife, California Rep. Mary Bono Mack. That provided ammunition for both Democrats and Republicans in Florida.

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