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Posts by AB

Tuesday, Sep 13 2011

Boston Globe: Facing possible Warren challenge, Brown burnishes image as Wall Street reformer

"Facing a possible challenge from Elizabeth Warren next year, Senator Scott Brown appears to be positioning himself as a steadfast Wall Street reformer in an attempt to defuse one of the Harvard professor’s most important credentials while defending himself against potential attacks on the campaign trail. [...] Democratic groups are accusing Brown of “trying to rewrite history” ahead of next year’s election, accusing the senator of distorting his position for political gain. “Scott Brown tried to completely derail this bill,” said Rodell Mollineau, president of a liberal “super PAC,” American Bridge 21st Century. Mollineau worked for the Senate Majority Leader’s office when the bill was passed. “He was playing his own game of chicken, so for him to sit there and say that he was the savior that rescued the bill is disingenuous at best,” said Mollineau."

Monday, Sep 12 2011

Boston Globe: In 1992, Perry Disparaged The N.H. Primary (VIDEO)

On September 12, 2011, the Boston Globe reported:

"How times change. In February 1992, after President George H.W. Bush beat Pat Buchanan by a less-than-expected margin in the New Hampshire presidential primary, the Texas agriculture commissioner had some unflattering things to say about the Granite State’s nominating process. Speaking to the Houston Rotary Club, the commissioner voiced his support for the Texan president. “I haven’t figured out New Hampshire yet,” he said, according to a video of his remarks posted online by the Democratic-backed group American Bridge. “New Hampshire is so small up there, there were 55,000 people [who] voted in New Hampshire in one side of this thing - matter of fact, whoever that guy was who was running against the president got 55,000 votes. But Denton County [Texas] has got more votes than that that will vote in the primary up there. So I haven’t figured out why that’s so important.”

Josh Mandel Monday, Sep 12 2011

MEMO: Josh Mandel: Raising Money & Raising Eyebrows

Ohio Senate candidate Josh Mandel has yet to do much in his campaign against Sen. Sherrod Brown. Well, he’s yet to do much besides raise money. And it seems he can’t even do that without raising eyebrows.

Last month it was revealed that 16 employees of Suarez Corporation, most of very modest means, all donated to the $5,000 to Mandel and/or Rep. Jim Renacci. As the Toledo Blade noted, “many of whom have never before given to federal campaigns.” The paper contacted one of the employees and wrote “When asked whether the company provided money or encouraged her to give, she said she couldn't talk about the matter at work.”

Mandel’s campaign has repeatedly skirted the issue and even recently proclaimed they were “proud” of the donations, despite their suspicious nature. Considering that Mandel is the Ohio State Treasurer, he should have a better idea where his money is coming from.

Read the full memo after the jump.

News Monday, Sep 12 2011

MEMO: Scott Brown’s Desperate Attempt To Rewrite History On Wall Street Reform

During a recent interview with New England Cable News, Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) attempted to rewrite the history of how 2010’s historic Wall Street Reform bill became law. Despite making nationwide news for delaying, obstructing and nearly torpedoing the entire process, Brown laughingly claimed, “I worked on it, I voted on it, I pushed it through.”

“Pushed it through”? Not so fast, Senator.

For weeks, Brown made headlines for threatening to derail Democrats’ efforts to rein in Wall Street in order to protect the big wigs that bankrolled his campaign.

Get the facts after the jump.

AB Leadership Health Care Monday, Sep 12 2011

Dallas Morning News: Pawlenty endorses Romney, raising some eyebrows

"Tim Pawlenty , the first casualty of Rick Perry's entry in the GOP presidential race, today threw his support to Perry's main rival, Mitt Romney, despite longstanding qualms about Romney's record on health care. [...] Democrats are having all sorts of fun with the conversion. The Democratic National Committee and American Bridge, a liberal political action committee, dusted off a series of damning comments Pawlenty aimed at Romney --- golden oldies date waaaaay back to... a month ago. "Obamacare was patterned after Mitt's plan in Massachusetts. And for Mitt or anyone else to say there aren't substantial similarities or they are not essentially the same plan -- it just isn't credible. So that's why I called it Obamneycare, and I think that's a fair label," Pawlenty said in Ames, Iowa, at an Aug. 11 debate. Two months before that, on Sean Hannity's show, Pawlenty asserted that Romney was directly responsible for the "development and construction of Obamacare." Romney, he said, "was involved in developing it, he really laid the groundwork...I don't think you can prosecute the political case against President Obama if you are a co-conspirator in one of the main charges against the president, on the political level."

AB Leadership Thursday, Sep 8 2011

TPM: Jon Bruning Explains Why He Compared Poor To Racoons

"When last we heard from Nebraska Attorney General Job Bruning (R), who is running for Senate, he was walking back comparisons he made between poor people on welfare and raccoons scavenging for insects. But he went on to blame “the liberal intelligentsia” for the controversy and defend the basic point. In a radio interview last month with local station KLIN, audio of which was posted Thursday by Democratic Super PAC American Bridge, Bruning said that he understands the struggles of the poor, but that his raccoon metaphor still holds up.

AB Leadership Wednesday, Sep 7 2011

TPM: Rick Perry: 45 Year-Olds Should Really Be Talking About Retiring At Age 70 (VIDEO)

"Rick Perry, under fire for his Social Security views from all sides lately, threw another log on the blaze this weekend during a South Carolina town hall. Perry floated the idea that workers 45 years-old and younger might have to wait years longer than their elders to retire with government benefits, wading into an area of Social Security reform that is extremely controversial and politically dangerous..."

Wednesday, Sep 7 2011

MEMO: Questions For The Republican Debate

Last month, the Republican Presidential candidates met on a debate stage about a week after the resolution of the debt ceiling debacle. In their attempts to top one another in their pandering to the Tea Party, their political brinksmanship outlined a vision for America that would have assured default and advocated dangerous economic policies that would push our economy over the edge. Tonight, the candidates meet while jobs are at the forefront of national attention. The American people want to see if these Republicans can offer something other than the failed policy prescriptions that got us into this mess. While Republicans want to talk about cutting taxes for corporations with record profits at the expense of the middle class, the American people expect answers to these questions...

Wednesday, Sep 7 2011

RELEASE: American Bridge Slams Perry: “America’s Most Dangerous Cowboy Takes On Social Security”

Washington, DC – In a brand new video, American Bridge 21st Century blasts Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry over his dangerous views on Social Security and retirement security for America’s seniors. In thinking Social Security is an “abuse of the constitution,” a “lie” and a “ponzi scheme” that should be dismantled and forced on the states, Perry’s views are more extreme than we’ve seen in half a century. He doesn’t just think the program should be tweaked, but that it never should have existed in the first place. Miles outside the mainstream, Perry’s extreme views will continue to dog him throughout his campaign -- no matter whether it’s in the primary or the general. Just this morning, Karl Rove warned that Perry’s views on Social Security were “toxic in a general election environment and they are also toxic in a Republican primary.”

Wednesday, Sep 7 2011

American Bridge Slams Perry: “America’s Most Dangerous Cowboy Takes On Social Security”

In a brand new video, American Bridge 21st Century blasts Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry over his dangerous views on Social Security and retirement security for America’s seniors. In thinking Social Security is an “abuse of the constitution,” a “lie” and a “ponzi scheme” that should be dismantled and forced on the states, Perry’s views are more extreme than we’ve seen in half a century. He doesn’t just think the program should be tweaked, but that it never should have existed in the first place. Miles outside the mainstream, Perry’s extreme views will continue to dog him throughout his campaign -- no matter whether it’s in the primary or the general. Just this morning, Karl Rove warned that Perry’s views on Social Security were “toxic in a general election environment and they are also toxic in a Republican primary.”

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