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News Thursday, Nov 10 2011

MSNBC: Gingrich campaign plays defense on ties to Freddie Mac

On November 10, 2011, MSNBC's First Read reported:

Newt Gingrich found his past work with Freddie Mac under scrutiny during last night's presidential debate, where the former House Speaker denied ever having lobbied for the mortgage giant. CNBC debate moderator John Harwood pressed Gingrich as to why his firm received $300,000 from Freddie Mac in 2006 -- two years before the mortgage finance company was forced into government conservatorship under the weight of subprime loans. The question was maybe the toughest Gingrich has received this campaign cycle.

News Thursday, Nov 10 2011

Journal Sentinel: Tommy Thompson pushes for focus on adult stem cells

On November 9, 2011, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported:

A decade after he helped persuade a president to allow funding of some embryonic stem cell research, Tommy Thompson, the former Wisconsin governor and presumptive U.S. Senate candidate, paid a visit to the Vatican on Wednesday to deliver a very different message. In Rome, Thompson, who is Roman Catholic, portrayed himself as a strong proponent of adult stem cells - cells that aren't culled from embryos - while appearing to brush aside the embryonic stem cell research he once defended.

News Thursday, Nov 10 2011

Las Vegas Sun: Heller falsely tells conservative talker that Berkley, DNC spokesman were at Latin Chamber event he snubbed

On November 10, 2011, the Las Vegas Sun's Jon Ralston reported:

Sen. Dean Heller told a conservative radio talker this week that he refused to show up last month to a Latin Chamber roundtable he had arranged because his opponent and a DNC spokesperson were there – and neither is true.

AB Leadership Thursday, Nov 10 2011

Huffington Post: Mike McCalister, Florida GOP Senate Candidate, Brings Back Second Amendment Remedies

On November 10, 2011, the Huffington Post reported:

Two years and Angle's tough election loss later, the idea remains in vogue in some conservative circles. Florida Senate candidate Mike McCalister, who is running against incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.), offered a variation of the much-lampooned line during a speech before the Palms West Republican Club earlier this week. "I get asked sometimes where do I stand on the Second and 10th Amendment, and I have a little saying," he declared. "We need a sign at every harbor, every airport and every road entering our state: 'You're entering a 10th Amendment-owned and -operated state, and justice will be served with the Second Amendment.'"
See the video after the jump

News Thursday, Nov 10 2011

Heller Invents Excuses For Bailing On Latin Chamber

Recently, Nevada Senator Dean Heller outraged members of the Hispanic community by cancelling an an appearance with the Latin Chamber of Commerce at the last minute. Though he was already en route to the meeting, Heller chose to bail after being informed by an advance staffer that a former member of the Latin Chamber's board who currently works for Shelley Berkley was in attendance, and that another attendee had a camera. The only plausible explanation for Heller's actions is that he is afraid of what Nevada voters will think if they can see for themselves what Heller is saying on the campaign trail. But in an radio interview yesterday, Heller attempted to explain away his actions by lying about the circumstances under which he cancelled his appearance.

AB Leadership Wednesday, Nov 9 2011

POLITICO's Arena: Gov. John Kasich chastened?

Tuesday’s vote in Ohio to strike down a law restricting collective bargaining for public workers is a clear repudiation of the Republicans’ economic message. Voters know that police officers, firefighters, and teachers aren’t responsible for our nation’s economic struggles. Each monthly jobs report shows that continued Republican attacks on public workers are negating the employment gains made in the private sector and holding back our recovery. Voting to treat the individuals who protect our communities and educate our children with respect is not a matter of being in denial about the fiscal situation, but an expression of priorities. The vote also shows that voters disagree with Republicans about the true meaning of shared sacrifice. Republicans want to punish teachers and first responders, or put the burden on the 99%, asking more from families already struggling just to make ends meet. Voters would rather see millionaires and billionaires pay a little bit more to give back to the communities that helped make their success possible. If Republicans continue to spout their extreme rhetoric, the message sent by Ohio voters on SB5 will be repeated loud and clear across the country in 2012.

AB Leadership LGBTQ+ Friday, Nov 4 2011

ABC News: Santorum Launches Policy Tour, Pushes Social Issues

On November 4, 2011, ABC News reported:

URBANDALE, IOWA  Rick Santorum launched a three-speech, three-state policy roll-out tour Friday beginning with “moral, cultural” issues. The economy and national security will follow, but this was chosen as the first topic because it is the most important to Santorum, according to campaign aides. [...] Democrats responded quickly. American Bridge, a Democratic SuperPac, issued a statement while Santorum was still speaking. “Rick Santorum, and the other candidates running for the nomination, are dusting off the old playbook of using socially divisive issues to reignite the culture wars of the past in a desperate attempt to appease their base. Proposing ideas like disbanding the 9th circuit court will create exactly zero jobs and shows that they are more interested in playing politics than getting our economy back on track,” communications director Ty Matsdorf said in the statement.

AB Leadership Friday, Nov 4 2011

TPM: GOPer: I Do Not Agree With That Obama As Qaddafi Cartoon I Was Waving Around (VIDEO)

On November 4, 2011, Talking Points Memo reported:

Some recent video of Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-MT) shows the Senate candidate holding up and waving around this cartoon depicting President Obama as the late bloodthirsty tyrant Muammar Qaddafi. [...] Here’s the video:
Here’s the cartoon he’s waving around:
See the whole article here

News Friday, Nov 4 2011

NY Times: For Perry, Private Jets Have Been Key to Public Job

On November 3, 2011, the New York Times reported:

The two trips, each valued at $9,179, were among more than 200 flights worth a total of $1.3 million that Mr. Perry has accepted — free — from corporate executives and wealthy donors during 11 years as governor, according to an analysis of Texas Ethics Commission records by The New York Times. Although many of the trips were for political or ceremonial events — not unusual for elected officials — others involved governmental functions, including some that were of interest to the planes’ owners. As a result, a group of well-heeled businessmen has effectively helped underwrite some of Mr. Perry’s activities as governor.

News Friday, Nov 4 2011

NY Times: For a Close Aide to Herman Cain, Scrutiny Comes on Two Fronts

On November 3, 2011, the New York Times reported:

But it is Mr. Block’s role helping Mr. Cain get his campaign off the ground that may pose just as great a challenge. A nonprofit group that Mr. Block ran contributed to the start-up of Mr. Cain’s presidential run, serving as a conduit for possibly illegal contributions. The campaign said it had asked an outside lawyer to review the allegations...

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