Huffington Post: Scott Brown’s Campaign Pays Operatives With History of Bareknuckle Politics
On October 19, 2011, the Huffington Post reported:
Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) is paying tens of thousands of dollars to campaign consultants and fundraisers with histories of playing hardball, a review of the senator's federal election filing reveals.
NY Times: Questions Raised Over Perry Campaign’s Reimbursements for Use of Private Plane
On October 17, 2011, the New York Times reported:
In the first two weeks of Rick Perry’s presidential campaign, his aides turned to Brian D. Pardo, a Texas businessman under investigation by federal securities regulators, to use his Cessna Citation X business jet to fly to campaign events. The Perry campaign paid Mr. Pardo about $21,000 for two days of flights that, according to logs from, totaled about nine hours in the air, a number Mr. Pardo said sounded accurate. [...] But had the campaign rented the same plane from a charter company, it could have cost up to three times as much, other interviews suggest. Because of changes in federal campaign regulations, that raises the question of whether Mr. Perry, the Texas governor, effectively received an unreported campaign contribution by underpaying Mr. Pardo.
American Independent: Ally of GOP Senate candidate says Muslim Brotherhood is behind Occupy Orlando
On October 17, 2011, The American Independent reported:
In a video clip and blog post published today, a right-wing activist with ties to GOP Senate candidate Adam Hasner alleges that Occupy Orlando, a Central Florida group that has sprung up in solidarity with the New York-based Occupy Wall Street movement, has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
AP: Rehberg Bashes Lobbyists as Son Works for One
On October 18, 2011 the Associated Press reported: U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg has made a point of criticizing Democratic Sen.…
The Hill: NM Senate candidate dismantles campaign, giving opening to opponent
On October 18, 2011, The Hill reported:
Greg Sowards, a Tea Party-affiliated self-funder who has played the spoiler role in New Mexico’s GOP Senate primary, has fired all of his campaign staff and consultants and will go it alone. Sowards had been complicating the race for Lt. Gov. John Sanchez (R), who has sought a win by running to the right of the centrist candidate — former Rep. Heather Wilson (R-N.M.). Now, by firing everyone on his campaign, he might have made himself a non-factor in the race...
Journal Sentinel: Thompson moving ahead with U.S. Senate bid
The Journal Sentinel covers some questions about Tommy Thompson's senate bid.
Thompson, who has a host of consulting and other business relationships, told reporters he would sever or suspend some of those financial ties as he ran for Senate, but he declined to elaborate.
ABC News: Anita Perry Sympathizes with Unemployed Worker Citing Son’s Resignation from Bank
"In an attempt to sympathize with unemployed workers in South Carolina Friday, Anita Perry likened her son’s resignation from an investment banking job to the frustration felt by the unemployed in America."
MSNBC: Copy, paste, dig deeper Scott Brown
From the October 14, 2011 episode of The Rachel Maddow Show:
VIDEO: Scott Brown’s Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
The last 36 hours have been pretty rough for Sen. Scott Brown. Local and national media outlets have been hammering him over the personal values statement he plagiarized from Elizabeth Dole.
MEMO: Scott Brown’s Bad Month
In January 2010, Scott Brown unexpectedly won a special election for Massachusetts Senate. Riding into the public spotlight in his ubiquitous pickup truck, the people of Massachusetts saw Brown as an authentic everyman who promised them he would go to Washington and be an independent voice for working people. In February 2010, Brown embarked on his book tour with the revelation that his fundraising goal for the 2012 cycle was $25 million, a figure that would represent a nearly insurmountable challenge for his potential opponents to overcome. But the last month has seen the veneer of inevitability chipped away from Brown’s reelection prospects. Brown’s supposed strengths – his financial advantage, his independent voice, his likability, and his authenticity – have each been called into question in just a few short weeks. Overall, from being outraised to having his real record exposed, from petty attacks to getting caught plagiarizing, it has not been a good month for Scott Brown. Read the full memo after the jump