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Posts by AB

AB Leadership Taxes Thursday, Jul 21 2011

WSJ: Bachmann: Everybody Should Pay Taxes

On July 21, 2011, the Wall Street Journal reported:

"Republican presidential candidates have been resolutely opposed to tax increases in the debate over the nation’s budget straits, but Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann this week suggested there’s one group that needs to be paying more: poor people who pay nothing now."
More from the Wall Street Journal after the jump.

AB Leadership Wednesday, Jul 20 2011

National Journal: In 2006 Interview, Bachmann Attacks Same-Sex Marriage, 'Big Love' Series

On July 20, 2011, National Journal reported:

"As a state lawmaker in 2006, now-Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., warned that efforts to allow same-sex marriage would open the door to polygamy and 'group marriage,' and she condemned a popular cable television series about a fundamentalist Mormon with three wives."
More from National Journal after the jump.

Friday, Jul 15 2011

Romney Attacked Obama For Being Soft On Chinese Trade, Yet Opposes Steel And Tire Tariffs

Romney Accused Obama Of Not Taking China “To The Mat” On Trade. According to the Eagle Tribune, “He also was critical of Obama over trade with China.’ The President said he would take China to the mat,’ Romney said. ‘He's been taken to the door mat instead. I won't let that happen.’” [Eagle Tribune, 7/15/11] More research after the jump

AB Leadership Thursday, Jul 14 2011

Washington Post: Allen criticized for voting against equipment for soldiers in Senate

On July 14, 2011,  the Washington Post reported:

"Former governor and senator George Allen was captured on video while campaigning in Franklin on Wednesday talking to a soldier’s father about the need to properly equip troops with body armor. Allen, a Republican, said it was “deplorable” that the soldier’s family had to provide his own equipment, specifically gloves. [...] But American Bridge 21st Century, the Democratic-leaning group that has been tracking Allen while he is campaigning for the U.S. Senate next year, pointed out that the former senator voted at least twice against equipment for soldiers during his one term.

Tuesday, Jul 12 2011

RELEASE: American Bridge 21st Century Hires Ty Matsdorf To Lead Communications War Room

WASHINGTON -- American Bridge 21st Century President Rodell Mollineau today announced that he has hired Ty Matsdorf to serve as War Room Director and Senior Adviser...

Monday, Jul 11 2011

Boston Globe: Mass. Democrats target Brown on lack of town halls

On July 10, 2011, the Boston Globe reported: Since taking office, Brown has been selective in his interaction with the public and media, favoring speeches over question-and-answer sessions, ducking out of meeting halls before reporters can reach him, and using videos, press releases, and op-ed columns to disseminate his views in a noninteractive fashion.

AB Leadership Friday, Jul 8 2011

NY Times: Trailing G.O.P. With Cameras, Seeking Gaffes

Aaron Fielding quietly stalks his prey — Republicans — with his video camera, patiently waiting for a political moment worthy of YouTube. At 27, he is a full-time “tracker” for American Bridge 21st Century, a new Democratic organization that aims to record every handshake, every utterance by Republican candidates in 2011 and 2012, looking for gotcha moments that could derail political ambitions or provide fodder for television advertisements by liberal groups next year.

Wednesday, Jul 6 2011

Roll Call: Heather Wilson Running to the Right in N.M.

On July 5, 2011, Roll Call reported:

Heather Wilson (R-N.M.) sounds like a tea partyer. The former Congresswoman, who ran on her national security expertise and independent voting record to win five full terms representing Albuquerque, is now boasting that she has signed a conservative “cut, cap and balance” pledge, says she wouldn’t increase the debt ceiling unless a deal includes significant budget cuts and calls the new health care law unconstitutional.

Thursday, Jun 30 2011

STL Today: Clergy members deliver statement to Akin over his 'hatred for God' comment

On June 29, 2011, the Saint Louis Post Dispatch reported:

Several St. Louis area religious leaders came to U.S. Rep. Todd Akin's office this morning to deliver a statement condemning the Republican for his comment that liberalism involves "hatred for God."

Monday, Jun 27 2011

Huffington Post: Todd Akin: 'At The Heart Of Liberalism Is Really A Hatred Of God'

On June 27, 2011, the Huffington Post reported: Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) is drawing fire for claiming a "hatred of…

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