Dayton Daily News: Mandel takes on critics of campaign
Josh Mandel defends his Suarez Corporation contributions to Laura Bischoff at the Dayton Daily News.
On the questions raised over campaign contributions: Mandel accepted more than $100,000 in campaign donations from employees of Canton-based Suarez Corp., a marketing firm owned by GOP donor Ben Suarez. The (Toledo) Blade reported that several of the donors live in modest homes, have low-level job titles and have never made political contributions to federal candidates. Yet they dug deep and gave the maximum allowable campaign contribution to Mandel — $5,000. Giving campaign money in the name of another is illegal.
Mark Naymik, Plain Dealer: To be a model of transparency, Treasurer Josh Mandel and others have long way to go
Mark Naymik at the Plain Dealer discusses Josh Mandel's failure to file his Senate personal financial disclosure form:
Finally, Mandel should shine more light on himself. He has refused to file required personal financial information related to his bid for the U.S. Senate. It was due months ago. He makes excuses about confusing paperwork. If he wants to be taken seriously, then he must set the standard on openness.
Oakland Press: Pete's Tune Changes
Pete Hoekstra's flip-flop on the no-tax pledge was covered by the Oakland Press:
Not only was the news release a tad misleading, it lead to a rehash of the fact that Mr. Hoekstra had done a somersalt on the issue or if your prefer, which the current Hoekstra campaign does not, he flip-flopped.
RELEASE: Sen. Scott Brown’s Truckload of Lies
WASHINGTON -- Continuing his quest to hide his record from Bay Staters, Sen. Scott Brown used a recent Watertown appearance to lie to constituents about supporting tax loopholes for oil companies and powerful corporations.
At a September 28 event at the Watertown Chamber of Commerce, Sen. Scott Brown responded to a question from a concerned constituent by making a series of false statements and misleading claims to perpetuate the myth that he is fighting for working Massachusetts families.
Huffington Post: Nebraska GOP Senate Candidate Jon Bruning Hires Man Behind Infamous 'Willie Horton' Ad
On September 29, 2011 the Huffington Post wrote about the latest misstep from the Jon Bruning campaign:
"What better way to reform your image as a politician who makes racially insensitive comments than to hire the ad firm that makes racially insensitive ads?" said Rodell Mollineau, president of American Bridge 21st Century."
Washington Post: Nebraska GOP frontrunner takes a few steps back
On September 28, 2011 the Washington Post reported:
The Nebraska Republican primary was supposed to be a coronation for state Attorney General Jon Bruning. Instead, it has revealed some significant holes in the political armor of the man many GOPers expected to beat Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson next year...
ABC News: Anita Perry Says Debater Husband Will Be ‘Better Prepared This Time’
"While her husband travels across the country fundraising this week, Anita Perry made a two-day swing through Iowa, campaigning on his behalf and assuring voters he’ll perform better in the next debate. As reported by the Des Moines Register, Anita defended her husband’s performance at the GOP presidential debate last week, saying he has had no debate training. “He’s never had a debate class nor debate coach in his life,” Anita told an audience at a breakfast in Urbandale, Iowa , this morning, according to the newspaper. “He’s going to be better prepared this time.”
Roll Call: Rand Paul, Sharron Angle Wade Into N.M. GOP Senate Race
On September 27, 2011, Roll Call reported:
New Mexico Lt. Gov. John Sanchez announced Tuesday that Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul endorsed him in the Republican Senate primary. [...] This is the second endorsement Tuesday that has ties to the tea party in the New Mexico race. The Hotline reported that Sharron Angle, who lost to Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) last year, endorsed businessman Greg Sowards, a long-shot candidate.
VIDEO: Mitt's Flips: Harvard
American Bridge today released its third "Mitt's Flips" video -- this one focused on Romney's new habit of mocking Harvard, his own alma mater. Romney clearly enjoys mocking Democrats for what he implies is their connection with the "Harvard faculty lounge." Of course, Romney earned his JD & MBA degrees there and his campaign relies on Harvard policy advisers and Harvard campaign donations.
POLITICO: From Perry, an homage to Democratic group's Romney hit
On September 27, 2011 POLITICO reported:
"On Friday, the Democratic opposition research group American Bridge released a video headed, "Mitt's Flips: Race to the Top," which juxtaposed their tracker's footage of Romney with debate footage on the education program Race to the Top, and ended with his debate line, "words matter." Yesterday, Perry's campaign put out a video called "Romney's Race to the Flop," which contrasted debate footage with ... American Bridge tracking footage, with the logo blacked out. The kicker: "Words matter.""