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News Taxes Monday, Aug 8 2011

VIDEO: Romney Said He "Loves " The Idea Of A Flat Tax


Romney Said He Loved The Flat Tax. At a town hall in Nashua, New Hampshire, Romney said, “I love a flat tax.” [Romney Town Hall, 8/8/11] Research after the jump.

News Saturday, Aug 6 2011

Pawlenty's Credit Rating Double Standard

Pawlenty Called Obama “Inept” In Response To S&P Downgrade. Pawlenty issued a statement in August 2011 responding to news that S&P had downgraded the country’s credit rating: “This is a sad moment for the United States, but it's a reflection that our country is in trouble. President Obama is inept when it comes to creating the conditions or job creation and economic growth. It's time for a new direction and a new President." [Pawlenty Statement, 8/6/11] More research after the jump

Josh Mandel Friday, Aug 5 2011

MEMO: Republican Candidates And The Debt Limit

To: Interested Parties From: Rodell Mollineau, President American Bridge Date: 8/5/11 RE: Republican Candidates and the Debt Limit This past week we witnessed the Republicans and their Tea Party allies play a dangerous game of chicken with our nation’s economy. They drove the economy right to the brink threatening to let our nation fail to pay its bills for the first time in history. And while eventually the Republican leaders came to their senses and agreed to raise the debt ceiling, what was truly frightening was how Republican candidates for both President and the Senate ran to the far right advocating either default or the dangerous economic policies, deemed “cut cap and balance,” that would have sent our economy right over the cliff.


All respected economic experts agreed we had to raise our debt ceiling and instituting the “cut, cap, and balance” would be a death knell to our economy.

“This would be an unprecedented event in American history. A default would inflict catastrophic, far-reaching damage on our Nation’s economy, significantly reducing growth, and increasing unemployment… Default would not only increase borrowing costs for the Federal government, but also for families, businesses, and local governments – reducing investment and job creation throughout the economy.” [letter from Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, 5/13/11]

AB Leadership Friday, Aug 5 2011

NBC News: Justice Asked To Probe Mystery Donation To Pro-Romney Group

On August 4, 2011, NBC News reported:

"Two campaign reform groups are asking the Justice Department to investigate a mysterious $1 million contribution to a political committee backing Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney from an obscure company that shut down shortly after making the donation. The contribution to Restore Our Future, a so-called “super PAC” formed by three former Romney political aides, drew scrutiny following an NBC News report on Thursday . The firm that gave the money, called W Spann LLC, was formed in March – with no listed officers or directors — made the contribution in April, then dissolved itself in July, according to corporate records."
More from NBC News after the jump

News Taxes Wednesday, Aug 3 2011

Washington Post Editorial: An early flip-flop for Senate candidate George Allen

An August 3, 2011 Washington Post editorial wrote:   AS A ONE-TERM Republican senator, George Allen voted four times to…

Josh Mandel Wednesday, Aug 3 2011

Plain Dealer editorial: Josh Mandel's opportunism

The Plain Dealer editorialized on Josh Mandel's opposition to the debt deal. Mandel's position may appeal to the Tea Party…

AB Leadership Foreign Policy Wednesday, Aug 3 2011

ABC News: Impeach President Obama Over Libya? Jon Huntsman Punts

On August 3, 2011, ABC News reported:

"And this week, when asked by a New Hampshire resident whether President Obama should be impeached over Libya, Huntsman refused to say, telling the voter that he’d 'let Congress make that decision.'"

AB Leadership Tuesday, Aug 2 2011

Dallas Morning News: Democrats Itch To See Texas Gov. Rick Perry In White House Hunt

On August 2, 2011, the Dallas Morning News reported:

Democratic operatives outside Austin are also scouring Perry’s record. Last week, American Bridge 21st Century — a liberal PAC formed to raise and spend unlimited money in the 2012 elections — flagged a new report that Texas had 86 mass layoffs in June, up from 50 in May, with a substantial uptick in initial jobless claims. “Rick Perry is the flavor of month” in a “weak, uninspiring field” of Republicans, said Rodell Mollineau, president of American Bridge. “Once the American people realize that his economic record as governor is based on smoke and mirrors, and his social record is miles out of the mainstream, his campaign will become an historical footnote just like Fred Thompson’s and Rudy Giuliani’s.”
More from the Dallas Morning News after the jump.

Josh Mandel Tuesday, Aug 2 2011

Plain Dealer: Josh Mandel would have voted against debt deal, blasts Sherrod Brown

Steve Koff at the Plain Dealer reports: U.S. Senate candidate Josh Mandel, who's currently the Ohio treasurer, would have voted…

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