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News Saturday, Apr 16 2011

Roll Call: Sarah Steelman Reports Lackluster Fundraising

On April 15, 2011, Roll Call reported: Former Missouri Treasurer Sarah Steelman (R) announced she raised just $186,000 in the…

AB Leadership Thursday, Apr 14 2011

CNN: Independent groups expected to rake in hundreds of millions

American Bridge 21st Century, will provide opposition research and communications for Democratic races for Congress and the presidency. Founded by conservative-turned-liberal activist David Brock and chaired by former Maryland Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, it has a more far-reaching goal. In a statement to CNN, Rodell Mollineau, its president, says he hopes hopes to build the group "into an enduring political research and communications powerhouse."

AB Leadership Tuesday, Apr 12 2011

Washington Post: Adapting to campaign-finance rulings, Democrats build big-spending network

[A]s Democratic activists finalize plans for an entirely new political infrastructure in 2012. A network of liberal groups formed in recent weeks is poised to spend $200 million or more in support of President Obama and other Democrats, in large part by raising unlimited donations from wealthy donors.

News Monday, Apr 4 2011

RELEASE: American Bridge Names President & Campaign Director

WASHINGTON -- David Brock today announced he has named Rodell Mollineau as President of American Bridge 21st Century. Mollineau, a seasoned political and communications strategist, recently left the office of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid where he served as Staff Director of the Senate Democratic Communications Center (SDCC). As president, Mollineau will lead the overall efforts of the Super PAC and its companion 501(c)(4) foundation to build a permanent progressive counterweight to the outside Republican groups that took hold of the electoral process in 2010.

Brock also announced that he has named Bradley Beychok, a campaign veteran from Louisiana, as the group’s Campaign Director for the 2012 campaign cycle...  

News Saturday, Jan 1 2011

Mitt Romney On Climate Change

Romney Said Obama’s Promotion Of Cap And Trade “Tax” Dissuaded “Expansion By Employers In The Energy Sector.” Romney wrote, “Promoting an open-ended cap-and-trade tax dissuades expansion by employers in the energy sector.” [Romney Op-Ed, Boston Globe, 8/18/10] Romney: Close Down Any Talk Of Cap And Trade And Expand Our Commitment To Nuclear And Natural Gas. Romney wrote, “Close down any talk of carbon cap-and-trade. It will burden consumers and employers with billions in new costs. Instead, greatly expand our commitment to natural gas and nuclear, boosting jobs now and reducing the export of energy jobs and dollars later.” [Romney Op-Ed, USA Today, 12/3/09]

News Saturday, Jan 1 2011

Mitt Romney On The Federal Budget

Romney Said That When Government Is “Bailing Out Banks” That “We Have Every Good Reason To Be Alarmed And To Speak Our Mind!” Romney said at the Values Voter Summit, “There’s something else that should concern us when the federal government expands at such a rate. When government is trying to take over health care, buying car companies, bailing out banks, and giving half the White House staff the title of czar – we have every good reason to be alarmed and to speak our mind!” [Romney Values Voter Summit Speech, 9/19/09]

News Saturday, Jan 1 2011

Dean Heller On Mortgage Reforms

Heller Voted to Terminate the Home Affordable Modification Program. On March 29, 2011, Heller voted to terminate the Home Affordable Modification Program meant to prevent mortgage foreclosures. According to the Los Angeles Times, “The House voted 252 to 170 to end the Obama administration’s main mortgage foreclosure prevention program, saying the much-criticized initiative has been ineffective and given false hope to hundreds of thousands of homeowners who ultimately lost their homes anyway. The vote […] follows votes this month […] to end three smaller federal programs designed to help homeowners and communities deal with the foreclosure crisis. […] HAMP is the centerpiece of the Obama administration’s efforts to keep struggling homeowners in their houses but has drawn bipartisan criticism for failing to meet its objectives. It was launched with great fanfare in early 2009 with the goal of helping 3 million to 4 million homeowners avoid foreclosure through 2012 by providing cash incentives for lenders to reduce monthly payments. Funded with as much as $30 billion from the $700-billion Troubled Asset Relief Program, HAMP has permanently lowered payments for about 540,000 homeowners through January.” [Roll Call 198, H 839, 03/29/2011; Los Angeles Times, 03/30/11]

170,000 Nevadan Homeowners Are Underwater On Their Mortgages. “The financial firm First American CoreLogic reports that 170,000 mortgage holders in Nevada owe more than 25 percent above their home’s value. In a state with a jobless rate now higher than 10 percent, bankruptcy may be the option of last resort for those cases, experts have said.” [Las Vegas Sun, 5/3/09]

Heller Has Taken Over $358,000 From Real Estate Interests. According to the non-partisan Center For Responsive Politics, Senator Dean Heller has taken at least $358,450,098 in federal campaign contributions from real estate interests throughout his career. [ accessed 6/24/2011]

News Saturday, Jan 1 2011

Mitt Romney's Record With The Massachusetts Budget

During Romney’s Tenure As Governor Massachusetts’ Economic Performance Was “One Of The Worst In The Country” On “All Key Labor Market Measures.” “As Mitt Romney pursues his bid for the presidency, his record as Massachusetts governor will come under scrutiny, including how the state’s economy performed during his administration. Our analysis reveals a weak comparative economic performance of the state over the Romney years, one of the worst in the country. On all key labor market measures, the state not only lagged behind the country as a whole, but often ranked at or near the bottom of the state distribution.” [Boston Globe, 7/29/07]

News Saturday, Jan 1 2011

Mitt Romney On Defense And Homeland Security

Mitt Romney Wrote That One Of The Agendas For A Free And Strong America Was To “Add At Least 100,000 Troops To Our Ground Forces…” In his book “No Apology” Mitt Romney wrote that one of the agendas for a free and strong America was to “Add at least 100,000 troops to our ground forces; provide top quality care and benefits to our veterans.” [“No Apology” 2011 Pg. 320]

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