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News News Articles Press Releases Kelly Ayotte Wednesday, Jul 10 2024

Bad Day To Be Kelly Ayotte

Jul 10, 2024

Folks — if you’re having a bad day today, just be thankful you’re not Republican New Hampshire gubernatorial candidate Kelly Ayotte waking up to these headlines.

“Damn, pour one out for Kelly Ayotte tonight — or hell, this afternoon,” said American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson Monica Venzke. “We all have tough days, but we certainly don’t all have days where multiple career scandals are made news. Sorry, Kelly!”

Read coverage of Ayotte’s not-so-great stories below: 
HuffPost: Kelly Ayotte’s Deep Ties To Scandal-Plagued ‘Green’ Energy Firm

  • Kelly Ayotte, once a U.S. senator from New Hampshire, has portrayed herself as a champion to clean energy. But as she mounts a bid for governor of the Granite State, her past role on the board of a troubled company may undermine that message.
  • The extent to which Ayotte was aware of or played a role in the company’s missteps is unclear. But as a member of Bloom’s board from November 2017 to May 2019, she was tasked with helping to “oversee the integrity of Bloom Energy’s financial statements and financial reporting process,” as well as to “prevent and detect violations of law, regulation, or Bloom Energy’s policies and procedures.” Ayotte served as chair of the board’s nominating, governance and public policy committee.
  • But her time at Bloom, for which public filings show she earned at least $131,250 and received more than 13,000 company shares, threatens to complicate her image as a clean energy advocate.
  • The September 2019 Hindenburg report on Bloom Energy, released just four months after Ayotte stepped down from the board, was damning.

Granite Post: Kelly Ayotte’s role in alleged YDC cover-up under fire from 2024 Republican candidates, victims

  • Allegations of a systemic cover-up of abuse at the Sununu Youth Development Center, which has been under criminal investigation by the state since 2019, have resurfaced from Republicans running for office in 2024, focusing on Kelly Ayotte’s role during her tenure as New Hampshire Attorney General.
  • The accusations against Ayotte intensified during two major protests in August of 2023 and June of this year, where victims shared harrowing stories of abuse beyond a backdrop where Ayotte’s name and image was displayed prominently on posters tying her alleged complicity in the cover-up.
  • Ayotte in the past has claimed, through a spokesperson, she had no knowledge of the abuse happening at the Sununu center. However, a 2010 report prepared by the Disabilities Rights Center (DRC) shows Ayotte’s office did in fact have exposure to abuse allegations while she was in office.

InDepthNH: Alleged Racist, Homophobic Remarks Got NH Rep. Stone Fired as Prison Guard 

  • Stone managed to keep allegations of threatening to kill his chief, rape the chief’s wife and children, and go on a mass shooting spree inside the Claremont Police Department secret for nearly two decades thanks to his police union and preferential legal precedents that blocked the public from knowing about police misconduct. According to Claremont Police internal affairs reports, Stone was upset because of an investigation into his alleged inappropriate relationship with a teenage girl.
  • The campaign team for gubernatorial hopeful Kelly Ayotte also did not respond to a request for comment. After reported on Stone’s Claremont history, Ayotte took heat for campaigning with Stone. She’s yet to comment on the matter.

Published: Jul 10, 2024 | Last Modified: Jul 16, 2024

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