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Thursday, Sep 23 2021

Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda Will Create More Than 900,000 Arizona Jobs

Sep 23, 2021

Despite that: Every 2022 GOP Senate candidate opposes the investments in roads and bridges, clean energy and water, lower prescription drug costs, and tax cuts for working families

As highlighted in the Arizona Republic, a new Arizona State University report finds that Joe Biden and congressional Democrats’ Build Back Better agenda stands to increase Arizonans’ after-tax incomes while creating hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Despite these clear benefits for the state — and the Build Back Better Act’s wide popularity both nationally and within Arizona — Arizona’s Republican U.S. Senate candidates have lined up against the proposal, putting partisan politics ahead of critical investments in infrastructure, child and elder care, supply chains, and tax cuts for working families.

Instead, those GOP candidates — Mark BrnoivchJim LamonBlake Masters, and Mick McGuire — have gone all in to focus on casting doubt on the 2020 election and backing the state’s discredited GOP audit which is set for public release tomorrow, with Lamon even claiming credit for “pressuring” Senate President Karen Fann to begin the audit.

“It’s clear these GOP Senate candidates will always put partisan politics ahead of getting things done for the working people of Arizona. It’s truly unconscionable that they’re all-in on the discredited audit but opposed to these transformative investments in Arizona families, jobs, kids, and retirees — and we won’t let Arizonans forget,” said Brad Bainum, American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson.

Arizona Republic: Biden spending plan could boost Arizona economy by $83.6B over next decade, report estimates

By Russ Wiles | September 22, 2021

  • “Arizona could receive direct federal spending of around $83.6 billion and generate possibly 900,000 or so additional payroll jobs over the next decade if the infrastructure bill backed by President Biden and congressional Democrats is enacted, a study released Wednesday projects.”
  • “The federal investments also could translate to roughly $3,300 annually in additional disposable or after-tax income for Arizona households over the decade, the report estimated.”
  • “The wide-ranging budget-reconciliation bill includes clean-energy initiatives such as electric-vehicle charging stations, expanded child and elder care, free community college access, other higher-education funding, low-income tax cuts and modernization of the automotive supply chain.”
  • “The report from the Seidman Institute, which is linked to the W.P. Carey School of Business at ASU, didn’t attempt to quantify non-economic benefits from the Build Back Better proposal. These include cleaner air from reduced carbon emissions, improved quality of life from affordable-housing investments, the benefits of more widespread college education and reduced household caregiver obligations from expanded child and elder care.”

Read the full report here.


Published: Sep 23, 2021

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