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News Press Releases Brad Schimel Wednesday, Mar 12 2025

Brad Schimel Tries His Toughest Case Yet (Telling the Truth)

Mar 12, 2025

Tonight is the Wisconsin Supreme Court debate, and we want to make sure you know the truth about conservative candidate Brad Schimel’s record — before he goes and lies about it on stage.

“Brad Schimel is many things — a loser, a bigot, an anti-choice extremist, but most importantly, Brad Schimel is a liar,” said American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson Monica Venzke. “He lied about testing thousands of rape kits that would’ve kept dangerous criminals away from Wisconsinites. He lied about his record of cutting breaks for criminals whose lawyers donated to his campaign. There’s no doubt he’s going to lie on the debate stage tonight. Wisconsin voters rejected him in 2018, and Brad Schimel’s lies tonight will remind them to reject him again this April.”

Brad Schimel:

  • Said Wisconsin’s 1849 total abortion ban is “valid.”
  • Tested only 9 out of over 6,000 untested rape kits in his first two years as Attorney General, which allowed violent offenders to walk free and delayed justice for thousands of victims of sexual assault— including more than 2,000 children — and lied about it.
  • Cut down plea deals for child molesters and even blamed child sexual assault survivors for their own “bad judgment.”
  • Refused to condemn a right-wing dark money special interest group for running a political attack ad that included information that could be used to identify child victims of sexual assault.
  • Implied that an Italian stock footage model was a Wisconsin rape survivor in an ad.
  • Gave light sentences to convicted domestic abusers, including sentencing several to no prison time, after which the offenders would go on to commit domestic violence reoffenses.
  • Said there’s no right to abortion in the Constitution.
  • Supports business owners refusing services to same-sex couples based on religious beliefs.
  • Cost Wisconsin taxpayers $1.6 million in a failed legal fight to enforce an anti-choice “admitting privileges” law, which he called “an honor.
  • Supports Trump’s federal abortion ban plan.

Published: Mar 12, 2025

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