In response to Sen. Dean Heller’s vote in the Senate Finance Committee to push through a tax plan that would cut taxes on the rich, paid for by hiking taxes on the middle class, American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp made the following statement:
“With this vote, Dean Heller just put himself on the side of millionaires and big corporations, who will see a massive tax cut paid for by hiking taxes on middle class Nevadans. His plan helps corporations ship jobs oversees, and even creates a new tax break for corporate jet owners. Just as bad, Heller’s plan would strip health care from thousands of Nevadans, hiking premiums for thousands more. Every word of this disastrous tax bill is proof that Heller has totally lost touch with Nevadans after a decade in Washington.”
At least 16 patient and consumer groups have come out in opposition to Heller’s bill.
Published: Nov 16, 2017