Today Bridge Project is launching, a new digital project that explains in detail the myriad of connections between Donald Trump and associates from his Administration, campaign, and business ventures to Russian oligarchs, gangsters, alleged spy-masters, and Vladimir Putin.
The steady drip of Trump-Russia developments makes it hard to keep track of all the players in the scandal and how they interact.
To date the Administration has refused to level with the American public about what Trump knew, when, and his potential ties to the Russia hacking scandal that tilted last year’s election in his favor. The stonewalling has the public rightfully questioning whether or not the Kremlin has leverage over Trump and how that information could potentially be used to compromise our national security. The Administration’s lack of transparency underscores the need for an independent investigation of the scandal led by a special prosecutor.
American Bridge President Jessica Mackler issued the following statement on the launch:
“ clears up the Administration’s lies by outlining the Trump world’s dangerous connections to shady Russian oligarchs and Kremlin officials. It shows the public just how far this scandal extends and further demonstrates the need for a special prosecutor overseeing the investigation of Trump’s ties to Russia.”
Published: Mar 16, 2017