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News Wednesday, Feb 1 2017

Building Bipartisan Opposition To DeVos Proves She Is a Danger to Public Education

Feb 01, 2017

American Bridge President Jessica Mackler issued the following statement on the bipartisan consensus against Betsy DeVos’ confirmation:

“Betsy DeVos is an enemy of public schools who would let corporations control our children’s education: that’s why there’s a growing bipartisan opposition to her confirmation. Republicans like Pat Toomey, Dean Heller, Rob Portman, and Jeff Flake should show some leadership for once, and join the bipartisan coalition taking a stand against DeVos as an active threat to our students, teachers, and schools.

“Despite an embarrassing hearing that exposed her total unpreparedness, DeVos has tried to cruise through the confirmation process on the millions of dollars she and her family have spent buying up politicians. Pat Toomey and Rob Portman have each taken $50,000-a-piece; now’s their chance to put America’s children over their own campaign accounts and rebuke an extremist donor who’s unfit to serve.”

Published: Feb 1, 2017

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