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Thursday, Feb 2 2012

BuzzFeed: Marco Rubio Spent Big To Research Himself

Feb 02, 2012

On February 2, 2012, BuzzFeed reported:

Marco Rubio isn’t running for anything right now, but that didn’t stop him from spending more than $20,000 on a top national research firm to check out his own vulnerabilities.


“…Now press are digging into things like his family history and his student loans, while liberal Super PACs like American Bridge are doing oppo dumps. So of course we have to do our homework so we can the record straight,” said the aide. “The fact that you have sources combing through our FEC report within hours of it being posted says all you need to say about why we are doing our own research.”

And indeed: The spending was brought to BuzzFeed’s attention by American Bridge, a Democratic opposition research group.

Read the full article here.

Published: Feb 2, 2012

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