“On Saturday, Darryl Glenn managed to emerge from the chaotic Colorado Republican Assembly as the only Senate candidate with enough votes to be on the primary ballot. Using offensive rhetoric and pushing radical positions against a woman’s right to choose, Glenn has quickly proven himself to be a Party of Trump loyalist who supports Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.
“The clown car primary in Colorado is hardly over though, with Robert Blaha, Jon Keyser, Ryan Frazier, and Jack Graham petitioning to get on the ballot. No matter who wins the Republican primary in June, the GOP nominee will fit in perfectly with the Party of Trump’s extremism.”
Glenn Called Trump “A Patriot.” According to the Colorado Independent, “‘He’s a patriot,’ Glenn said of Trump. ‘It’s important for everybody to get involved in this country.’” [Colorado Independent, 4/5/16]
Glenn Promised To Defund Planned Parenthood As Senator. According to the Denver Post, “Though just a few miles from a mass shooting at one of its clinics in November, Glenn called out, ‘Listen here, Planned Parenthood,’ then vowed to defund the organization if it provides abortion.” [Denver Post, 4/10/16]
Glenn Said He Was Committed To “Removing Hillary Clinton From Her Pantsuit And Putting Her In A (Prison) Jumpsuit.” According to the Durango Herald, “Glenn also couldn’t resist a jab at Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, stating, ‘I am firmly committed to removing Hillary Clinton from her pantsuit and putting her in a (prison) jumpsuit,’ referring to her ongoing email scandal involving alleged classified information.” [Durango Herald, 4/10/16]
Glenn Was From Colorado Springs, Where The Convention Was Held, So Had A “Home Field Advantage.” According to the Colorado Statesman, “Glenn was by far a better orator Saturday than any of his rivals. But he also enjoyed home field advantage. He lives in Colorado Springs where the assembly was staged. Last week, The Colorado Springs Gazette published an editorial attacking Neville as an extreme candidate who couldn’t win in the general election. Neville responded by shooting a copy of the editorial full of holes with a semi-automatic rifle and tweeting about it.” [Colorado Statesman, 4/9/16]
Glenn Said Entitlements Were “Enslaving Americans,” Adding That He Was “Not A Fan Of Slavery.” According to the Colorado Statesman, “In his swaggering floor speech, Glenn called for an end to sanctuary cities, attacked the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement and said that entitlements are ‘enslaving Americans.’ The African-American candidate then paused and said, ‘I’m not a fan of slavery, ladies and gentlemen.’” [Colorado Statesman, 4/9/16]
Gazette Editorial: Glenn’s Most Popular Line In His Convention Speech Was When He Railed Against Bipartisanship. According to an editorial in the Colorado Springs Gazette, “‘I’m tired of hearing about Republicans reaching across the aisle. We need to step up and lead, ladies and gentlemen,’ Glenn said. It appeared to close the deal among a crowd that believes House and Senate Republicans have squandered majority status and buckled under a popular Democratic president.” [Editorial – Gazette, 4/10/16]
Glenn Pledged To Support Trump If He Won The GOP Nomination. According to the Denver Post, “The top eight Republican candidates in Colorado’s U.S. Senate traded sharp words Tuesday in the first televised debate, seeking to separate their campaigns in the crowded field. But all of them agreed on the first question — pledging to support Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump if he wins the party’s nomination.” [Denver Post, 4/5/16]
Glenn Supported Cruz; Praised His Christian Faith And “High Moral Values.” According to the Colorado Independent, “On the debate stage in an eight-seat semicircle sat Colorado Springs businessman Robert Blaha, former Aurora City Councilman Ryan Frazier, El Paso County Commissioners Darryl Glenn and Peggy Littleton, ex-lawmaker Jon Keyser, former Rams quarterback Jack Graham, businessman Jerry Natividad, and state Sen. Tim Neville. […] Glenn, a Cruz supporter who often talks about his Christian faith and leading with high moral values, drew a question about whether he believes Trump has ‘high moral and Christian values.’ Glenn said one thing his faith has taught him is to treat everyone with respect and dignity.” [Colorado Independent, 4/5/16]
Published: Apr 11, 2016