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News Tuesday, Apr 25 2017

Congressman Luke Messer Suddenly  Discovers "The American Worker"

Apr 25, 2017

Today, career politician and Washington insider Rep. Luke Messer launches a “Task Force on the American Worker,” just in time to pad his resume before he runs for U.S. Senate.

American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp made this statement in response:

“Congratulations to Congressman Messer for discovering that American workers need our support. Messer has almost nothing to show for five years in Washington, so it’s no surprise that on the eve of his U.S. Senate campaign he’s in damage control mode. After half a decade in Congress, Messer failed to sponsor a single bill that was signed into law, but he has politicked all the way to fifth in House Leadership. It’s clear where Congressman Messer’s priorities lie — and marketing gimmicks won’t fool anyone.”

Published: Apr 25, 2017

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