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Thursday, Jun 14 2018

CRICKETS: Martha McSally STILL Won’t Answer for Her DACA Flip-Flop

Jun 14, 2018

Rep. Martha McSally has endured weeks of bad press after she scrubbed her official accounts of a year-old video in which she endorsed a path to citizenship for DACA recipients — a position that doesn’t jibe with her new extremist views on immigration.

We went to Capitol Hill to ask McSally herself: “Why’d you take that video off your website?”

And McSally directed us to contact her team. But there’s just one problem: asked multiple times why the video was removed, McSally’s office has offered nothing but crickets:

  • CNN: “Representatives of McSally’s office and her Senate campaign did not respondto CNN’s multiple requests for comment.”
  • Arizona Republic: “McSally’s office did not respond to repeated requests for comment.”
  • The Hill: “McSally’s office didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment on the 2017 video.”
  • Newsweek: “McSally’s office did not respond to a request for comment.”
  • TheBlaze: “McSally’s office did not respond to requests for comment from TheBlaze about the removal of the video.”
Watch the full clip here.


Published: Jun 14, 2018

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