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Tuesday, Aug 25 2020

ICYMI: Daily Beast: RNC Speaker Boosts QAnon Conspiracy Theory About Jewish Plot to Enslave the World

Aug 25, 2020

“There’s no place for Mary Ann Mendoza’s anti-Semitic views. Sadly, under Donald Trump’s watch, anti-Semitism is on the rise and is now in the front and center at the Republican National Convention. This speaks volumes about the radicalization of the Republican Party under Donald Trump and where our country is headed if he has four more years to spread hate and division from the White House. The RNC needs to remove her from their program – plain and simple. Refusing to speak out against anti-Semitism is unacceptable.”

Mary Ann Mendoza, an “angel mom,” is set to speak on Tuesday night. Beforehand, she took to Twitter to encourage followers to read a thread about the Rothschilds.

By Will Sommer on 8/25/20

Hours before she was set to speak at the Republican National Convention on Tuesday night, Mary Ann Mendoza took to Twitter and urged her followers to investigate a supposed Jewish plot to enslave the world.

“Do yourself a favor and read this thread,” Mendoza, who is a member of the Trump campaign’s advisory board, tweeted to her more than 40,000 followers early Tuesday morning.

Mendoza, an “angel mom,” is scheduled to speak Tuesday about her son’s 2014 death at the hands of a drunk driver who was in the country illegally. Her tweet on Tuesday linked to a lengthy thread from a QAnon conspiracy theorist that laid out a fevered, anti-Semitic view of the world. In its telling, the Rothschilds—a famous Jewish banking family from Germany—created a plot to terrorize non-Jewish “goyim,” with purported details of their scheme that included plans to “make the goyim destroy each other” and “rob the goyim of their landed properties.” 

Drawing on more than a century’s worth of anti-Semitic hoaxes and smears, the thread claimed that malevolent Jewish forces in the banking industry are out to enslave non-Jews and promote world wars. Riddled with QAnon references, the thread from Twitter user @WarNuse claimed that the Titanic had been sunk to protect the Federal Reserve, and that every president between John F. Kennedy and Donald Trump was a “slave president” in the thrall of a global cabal. 

The thread also promoted “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” an anti-Semitic hoax popular in Nazi Germany, and claimed that its allegations about a Jewish plot to control the world are real. 

“The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is not a fabrication,” the thread that Mendoza shared reads. “And, it certainly is not anti-semetic (sic) to point out this fact.” 

The tweet from Mendoza is the latest example of a convention speaker with a checkered background. As the Republican festivities enter their second night, several scheduled speakers have already been exposed for holding bizarre beliefs. 

Public school teacher Rebecca Friedrichs, who spoke at the convention on Monday, has claimed that public schools use their curricula to “groom” children for sexual predators like Jeffrey Epstein. On Tuesday, Vice reported that anti-abortion activist and convention speaker Abby Johnson praised the idea of police racially profiling her biracial son as “smart.” 

“Statistically, my brown son is more likely to commit a violent offense over my white sons,” Johnson said in a video. 

Mendoza’s tweet urging her followers to check out the anti-Semitic thread came on the eve of her Republican convention appearance. While the thread includes extensive anti-Semitism and references to QAnon, it also alleges that Hillary Clinton is a “Satanic High Priestess” and that  Barack Obama’s Washington home smells like sulfur — a reference to the idea, popular with InfoWars host Alex Jones, that Obama somehow smells like sulfur because he’s connected to the devil and Hell.

The Trump campaign and Mendoza didn’t respond to requests for comment. 

In a statement, a spokesperson for the Democratic super PAC American Bridge 21st Century’s Trump War Room opposition research group blasted Mendoza’s spot on the RNC program. 

“The RNC needs to remove her from their program — plain and simple,” spokesperson Kyle Morse said in the statement. 

In addition to the thread she encouraged people to read, Mendoza also has posted her own tweets that push conspiracy theories about Democratic billionaire George Soros. One tweet from June 2019 claimed that Soros was pushing for more immigration to install a “one world government.”

“These are the violent types of people that SOROS, the ROTHCHILDS (sic) and the United Nations have NO problem using as pawns and uprooting them and bringing them to the USA to accomplish their ONE WORLD GOVT!” Mendoza tweeted.

Mendoza has alleged that public health advice advocating for mask-wearing are using the “Soros playbook,” and claimed that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government’s lead infectious disease expert, is paid by Soros.

In a Sept. 2019 tweet, Mendoza called Soros, a Holocaust survivor, a “Nazi.” 

“This Nazi is still at it & the progressives love him for it,” she wrote. 

Read more here.

Published: Aug 25, 2020

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