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Friday, Aug 31 2018

Dean Heller Is Silent As Trump Slashes Pay for Over 11,000 Nevada Workers

Aug 31, 2018

The Trump Administration announced executive action yesterday that would rob over 2 million federal civilian employees of a built-in pay raise next year — and cited the federal deficit as an excuse.

But Senator Dean Heller — the ultimate Trump yes-man — has refused to stand up for the over 11,000 Nevadan federal civilian employees who stand to lose their hard-earned raise. 

That’s the same Senator Heller who bragged about authoring the tax bill that blew a $1.5 trillion hole in the federal deficit.

The workers not getting a built-in pay raise include Customs and Border Patrol agents keeping our border secure, and over 4,700 Nevadan VA workers fighting for our veterans. As of 2016, approximately one-third of federal employees were veterans.

“Dean Heller crafted a tax bill that gave massive handouts to the ultra-wealthy and will add trillions of dollars to the national debt,” said American Bridge spokesperson Amelia Penniman. “Now, he’s silent as Donald Trump cuts workers’ wages — including Customs and Border Patrol and VA employees — in the name of fiscal responsibility. We don’t know who crunched those numbers for you, Senator, but to us, it doesn’t add up.”

Read more here.

Published: Aug 31, 2018

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