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Friday, Oct 19 2018

On Debate Day, American Bridge Launches New Website Exposing Scott Walker’s Swamp of Scandals

Oct 19, 2018 highlights eight years of corruption
and mismanagement from Scott Walker

Ahead of tonight’s Wisconsin Governor debate, American Bridge is launching a new website exposing Governor Scott Walker’s numerous scandals over the last eight years. Walker’s tenure as Governor has been an unmitigated disaster for taxpayers as he has repeatedly used the office to benefit himself and his friends. Walker has abused state resources and tax dollars for personal benefit, been implicated in numerous pay-to-play schemes, and received illegal dark money campaign contributions. will serve as a one-stop shop to educate Wisconsin voters on the countless scandals Walker has been implicated in throughout his eight years as Governor.

“There’s a reason why Scott Walker is losing in the polls and four of his secretaries have come out against him,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson. “Wisconsin families are sick and tired of eight years of scandal, corruption, and incompetence from Scott Walker. This November, Wisconsin voters are going to drain the swamp by ending Scott Walker’s political career.”

Check out the new website here.

Published: Oct 19, 2018

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