“This is a difficult budget request to defend.”
Things didn’t go well for DeVos at today’s Senate Appropriations Committee subcommittee hearing on the Trump Administration’s Education budget request. In addition to yet again proving that she lacks the experience and knowledge to lead the Education Department, DeVos, among other things, refused to commit to working for full anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ kids in schools, and even suggested she thinks that it’s fine for for-profit elementary school CEOs to make millions funneling off public education funds.
DeVos didn’t have an explanation for Trump’s draconian cuts in an education budget that calls for a 13% spending reduction across the board, and which would make it harder for millions of kids to get a quality education — including by slashing funds for after-school, literacy, and teacher training programs.
Additional American Bridge research reports on the Trump Administration’s early actions on education policy are available here from the Trump Accountability Project:
Published: Jun 6, 2017