This morning, Donald Trump — a birther who’s dabbled in 9/11-trutherism — returned to his conspiracy theorist roots, insinuating that President Obama is an ISIS sleeper-agent. Less than 24 hours after congratulating himself over “being right” about the deadliest mass-shooting in U.S. history, Donald Trump has accused the President of the United States of being complicit in the attack.
- Trump says “your friends need to know that you will stick the by agreements that you have with them,” but he’s proposed that the United States should leave NATO, advocating a scheme under which the U.S. would force allies to “reimburse us the way we should be reimbursed,” threatening to withdraw troops should allies not pay Trump what he deems an acceptable amount.
- Trump has also targeted the United Nations, describing it as a “disaster” that “[w]e get nothing from.”
Trump has a striking ignorance of current foreign affairs. Throughout his campaign, Trump has been stumped by the simplest questions on global affairs:
- Trump didn’t know that the United States has prohibited Iran from purchasing its goods.
- Trump doesn’t know the difference between Hamas and Hezbollah — and said the difference didn’t matter to him yet.
Lack Of Understanding On Nuclear Policy
Donald Trump is in favor of nuclear proliferation, a position which runs counter to over half a decade of American foreign policy.
- Trump supports Japan and South Korea obtaining nuclear weapons. This suggestion was widely mocked by experts as such statements, “send an incredibly dangerous signal to our allies in the Middle East.”
- Triad? When asked about the United States ability to deliver nuclear weapons by sea, air, and land, Trump “clearly had no idea” what it was.
Admiration For Dictatorial Leaders
Trump has frequently spoken highly of autocratic and dictatorial leaders.
- Trump admires Kim Jong Un, praising him because “he wiped out his uncle.”
- Trump also praised and spoken highly of Putin, arguing: “He’s running his country and at least he’s a leader, unlike what we have in this country.”
Trump supports torture and the execution of terrorists’ families.
- “You have to take out their families,” Trump’s plan to target terrorists’ families is a stunningly clear violation of the Geneva Convention.
- Trump wouldn’t be concerned with such violations, however, as he’s objected to the Geneva Convention, calling it “the problem.”
Published: Jun 13, 2016