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News Sunday, Oct 13 2013

E.W. Jackson's Red Sox B.S.

Oct 13, 2013

Serving as the chaplain for the Boston Red Sox seems like a weird thing to tout in a Virginia Lieutenant Governor’s race – especially if it’s not even true.

E.W. Jackson has routinely claimed to have served as the chaplain for the Red Sox for five years between 1988 and 1993. The claim is repeated on both his campaign website and his church’s website, and Jackson has mentioned it in interviews. However, Baseball Chapel – the ministry through which all Major and Minor League chaplains are assigned – has no record of Jackson’s service.

At best, Jackson’s claim is a gross embellishment – sort of like his qualifications for holding elected office. At worst, it shows a callous indifference for the truth and a stupefying ignorance that no one would check the facts. Either way, Jackson is not who we want to be Virginia’s next Lieutenant Governor.

Published: Oct 13, 2013

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