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News Monday, Jul 3 2017

FACT SHEET: How Trumpcare Would Harm Arizona

Jul 03, 2017

The Senate’s July 4th recess is beginning just after the Republican leadership was forced to delay voting to even begin debate on the Trumpcare bill they wrote for weeks behind closed doors.

Senator Jeff Flake will be pivotal in whether or not the Affordable Care Act is repealed with Trumpcare in its place, and below is key information about how the Trumpcare bill would be disastrous for Arizonans.

This week, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office released a report indicating that Trumpcare would cost 22 million Americans their health insurance, make healthcare costs skyrocket, gut the Affordable Care Act’s protections for Americans suffering from a preexisting condition like Alzheimer’s, and cause unprecedented cuts to Medicaid. The Wall Street Journal reports that the plan would also severely undermine employer-based health insurance plans.

At the same time, Trumpcare would cut taxes for the rich by nearly half a trillion dollars.

The country has overwhelmingly rejected this bill, with a USA Today/Suffolk University Poll finding that only 12% of the American people support it.

Also, the leading healthcare experts in the United States, such as the American Medical Association, as well as organizations representing patients, like the American Cancer Society, are strongly opposed to Trumpcare.

Moreover, addiction experts and Republican governors have specifically condemned the Senate Trumpcare legislation because its Medicaid cuts and its backdoor attack on essential health benefits would be a crippling setback in the fight against the opioid crisis that is ravaging every state.

If the Senate Trumpcare legislation were passed into law, these would be the consequences for Arizona:

Published: Jul 3, 2017

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