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Monday, Jun 22 2015

Faith and Freedom Roundup — Social Conservative Edition

Jun 22, 2015

The Republican candidates’ extreme positions on social issues were front and center this weekend at the Faith and Freedom Road to Majority, cosponsored with Concerned Women for America. American Bridge was on site, through the bomb threat and all, to document Jeb Bush touting his role with Terri Schiavo, Chris Christie bragging that he vetoed Planned Parenthood funding, and Marco Rubio talking up religious discrimination.

For more from this weekend, let’s go to the tape:

Thursday, June 18th

  • Marco Rubio‘s dog whistle to religious conservatives on Hobby Lobby and religious discrimination laws. YouTube
  • Ted Cruz announces 2016 will be the “religious liberty election.” YouTube
  • Steve King calls for civil disobedience over gay marriage. YouTube
Friday, June 19th
  • Chris Christie brags he vetoed Planned Parenthood funding. YouTube
  • Chris Christie makes fun of NJ voters. YouTube
  • Chris Christie goes after Rand Paul for fake filibuster. YouTube
  • Jeb Bush: “I stood on the side of Terri Schiavo.” YouTube
Saturday, June 20th
  • Scott Walker introduction about pro-life credentials. YouTube
  • Scott Walker on his work with so-called crisis pregnancy centers. YouTube


Published: Jun 22, 2015

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