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News News Articles Mike Johnson Friday, Sep 13 2024

FLASHBACK: Speaker Mike Johnson: “I hate CRs…It is not the way you’re supposed to do it…We’re not doing this under my leadership”

Sep 13, 2024

Not only is Mike Johnson currently trying to pass a CR, he’s failing spectacularly at doing so.

In November of 2023, soon after Mike Johnson took the Speaker’s gavel, he had this to say about continuing resolutions:

“This is a different thing that we’ve done before. I hate CRs as much as everyone does. It is not the way you’re supposed to do it. And we’re going to get right back to the regular budgeting process and that statutory outline that that I just recounted for you. We’re going to start that next year. We’re not going to do this again. We’re not doing this under my leadership. And I think we have a moment to change how it’s done.” 


In the same interview, Johnson preached that “…governing by continuing resolutions, is not a healthy thing for an economy.”

And going back even further, in the beginning of 2018, Johnson had this to say about CRs:

“This is really no way to run a government. This is a continuing resolution. It’s a patchwork matter of budgeting. And it’s no way to run the country.” and that “these stopgap measures, it’s no way to run a country. It’s certainly no way to run a military.”

Well, now in 2024, Speaker Johnson is eating the very words he preached for years on end, and clearly broke his promise to change the way the House and his GOP caucus operate. Johnson, who comes from the far-right wing of his party, has been rudderless in cobbling together a governing coalition.

For someone who previously said the threat of a shutdown “affects real people in real ways…and I think we need to act like adults and get this thing done,” and that “we’ve got to prevent that [a shutdown] because that would do even more harm for the economy,” Johnson is still doing Donald Trump’s bidding in attaching a poison pill to the CR that makes it a non-starter for real bipartisan support.

“We have as much faith in Speaker Mike Johnson, the leading House architect in trying to overthrow the 2020 election, in passing a clean funding bill as we do in him upholding the sanctity of our elections,” said American Bridge spokesperson Philip Shulman. “He’d be better served stopping the election year antics and honoring his previous commitment to properly fund the government.”

Published: Sep 13, 2024

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