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Monday, Jul 23 2018

Both Florida GOP Candidates for Governor Have Problems Talking To/About Women

Jul 23, 2018

SHOT: TODAY:  Huffington Post: Ron DeSantis calls Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ’this girl…Or Whatever She Is’
CHASER: LAST WEEK: Adam Putnam shouts down a woman, with a child in a wheelchair, asking about health coverage for preexisting conditions.

“Last week Adam Putnam shouted down a woman who was asking him about health care coverage for people with preexisting conditions, and now, Ron DeSantis is belittling a major party’s nominee for Congress as ‘that girl,’” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson. “From the misogynistic way they talk to women, to their mutual records of looking the other way on sexual harassment, to their opposition to paycheck fairness and a woman’s right to choose, Ron DeSantis and Adam Putnam have records that should alarm Florida women.”

Published: Jul 23, 2018

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