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News Wednesday, Mar 27 2019

Gardner doubles down on Republicans’ losing healthcare strategy

Mar 27, 2019

“Cory Gardner was apparently living under a rock for the entirety of the 2018 election,” said American Bridge spokesperson Amelia Penniman. “If he thinks the way to win votes is to continue Republicans’ deranged and cruel push to take healthcare from millions, he can go right ahead. We’re sure Coloradans will reward his efforts with an early retirement.”

Colorado Times Recorder: Gardner Still Wants to Kill Obamacare, But Still Doesn’t Offer a Replacement Plan
By Jason Salzman | March 27, 2019

  • “Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner doubled down yesterday on his longstanding opposition to Obamacare, saying the national health insurance law has ‘failed’ without offering a concrete plan to replace it.”
  • “Gardner’s comments, delivered on KNUS 710-AM’s Steffan Tubbs show, came as the Trump Administration announced yesterday that it will not defend Obamacare in court.”
  • “‘We need to have Republicans and [laughs] Democrats recognize that the Affordable Care Act failed,’ said Gardner, a Republican, when asked by Tubbs what he thought the latest GOP effort to kill the Affordable Care Act.”
  • “As part of his evidence for this, Gardner cited the discredited figure that ‘hundreds of thousands of Coloradans had their insurance plans canceled’ due to Obamacare. In a fact check of a campaign ad citing those numbers, then 9News political reporter Brandon Rittiman pointed out that ‘it’s true that millions of people with individual coverage got cancellation notices because their old plans didn’t meet the standards of Obamacare…. But getting one of these notices is not the same thing as losing insurance.’”
  • “Gardner hasn’t put specific words on paper that can actually be discussed and analyzed and that add up to a plan to replace Obamacare, the various repeals of which could throw 20 million Americans off the health insurance rolls, including 12 million low-income people, according to independent analysts.”

Read the full article here.
Read more about the effects of ACA repeal here.

Published: Mar 27, 2019

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