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Glenn Youngkin Wednesday, Aug 11 2021

Glenn Youngkin Plans to “Eventually” Slash Funding From Virginia Public Schools

Aug 11, 2021

Last night, Virginia GOP gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin accidentally revealed his plan to “eventually” slash public school funding if elected governor.

Video captured by American Bridge 21st Century shows an unequivocal Youngkin explaining how his plan for “innovation schools” will result in money being funneled out of public education. As Youngkin clearly states: “It won’t take away money from the public school system out of the box. Eventually it will, because the student will move with their tuition dollars.”


“It’s understandable why Glenn Youngkin is desperate to convince Virginians he is a moderate: he knows his toxic brand of MAGA politics is completely out-of-touch with voters. First he got caught on camera saying he’ll ban abortion and defund Planned Parenthood. Then he was caught spreading the Big Lie and indulging in the fantasy that Donald Trump could be reinstated as president. Now he’s been caught bragging that his plan will slash funding from Virginia public schools,” said American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson Aidan Johnson. “Despite his campaign’s best efforts to keep voters in the dark, there is no amount of message discipline that can hide Youngkin’s extreme far-right agenda for Virginia.”

American Bridge 21st Century currently has television and digital ads up in Virginia, part of a seven-figure early investment in this year’s election for Democrats up and down the ballot. The organization has made Virginia a priority in its $100 million midterm campaign to communicate President Biden’s and Democrats’ successes to voters in key states.


Published: Aug 11, 2021

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