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Wednesday, Dec 2 2015

GOP Senators: Trump Hair, Don't Care

Dec 02, 2015

“Trump Hair, Don’t Care.” That’s the motto of the GOP Senate field despite the NRSC’s warnings to distance themselves from Donald Trump.


The New York Times reports, that the NRSC “has cautioned its incumbents in blunt terms not to let themselves be linked to him.” It’s a policy that has quickly gone up in flames. Take a look at the NRSC-supported candidates — including some of their most vulnerable incumbents — who are all in for Trump:


  • Senators John McCain and Rob Portman plan to vote for Trump if he snags the GOP nomination.


  • And in the Battle Born State, Joe Heck welcomes Trump’s proposal to end birthright citizenship. I think we’ve heard that Angle somewhere else before?


Published: Dec 2, 2015

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