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Friday, Feb 16 2018

HellerOnTheRun: Hiding Dean Heller Hasn’t Held a Town Hall in 10 Months

Feb 16, 2018

Today, American Bridge 21st Century re-launched to hold Dean Heller accountable for running away from his constituents. 

With the U.S. Senate in recess for the next week, senators should be at work in their states, but Heller hasn’t held a public town hall meeting with his constituents since last April and has none currently scheduled. He’s denying Nevadans the opportunity to share their views and ask questions about his lurch to the right and his recently uncovered shady business dealings.

For a second-by-second look at just how long it’s been since hiding Dean Heller had a town hall meeting with Nevadans, head to

“Dean Heller is running from Nevadans, hiding behind closed doors because he knows he can’t defend his sketchy business practices and his votes to sell out Dreamers and put women’s health at risk,” said American Bridge spokesperson Allison Teixeira Sulier. “Dean Heller hasn’t held a public event in almost a year — but you can count on Nevadans to show up at the ballot box this year and hold Heller accountable.”

Here are just a few issues that Nevadans deserve explanations from Heller on:

  • Earlier this week, the Reno Gazette Journal, revealed that Heller didn’t have a legally-requires business license for his farm, an offense that could mean up to $10,000 in fines.
  • This week, Heller also voted against  bipartisan immigration proposals and instead sided with President Trump and his divisive immigration policies over Dreamers.
  • Late last month, Heller voted for a bill that risks women’s health and takes personal health care choices away from them, putting those choices in the hands of politicians. Just yesterday, he was also endorsed by a fringe anti-choice group.

Published: Feb 16, 2018

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