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Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker

Tuesday, Mar 15 2022

Herschel Walker Says Evolution Isn’t Real. Because… Apes Exist?

Mar 15, 2022

new HuffPost report highlights that Georgia Republican U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker over the weekend “cast doubt on the theory of evolution […] saying the fact that apes and humans coexist disproves accepted science.” 

Walker has previously trafficked in reckless COVID misinformation, but it’s nevertheless surprising and rare to see a GOP candidate, especially a high-profile and ostensible “top recruit” like Walker, engage in a wholesale rejection of evolutionary science.

While Walker’s campaign has made an effort to keep him away from tough interviews and public events with voters, he’s nevertheless managed to make a number of early unforced errors — all while facing mounting questions about his business record, which continues to be under scrutiny. 

HuffPost: Herschel Walker Skeptical Of Evolution: ‘Why Are There Still Apes? Think About It’

By Amanda Terkel, 3/15/22

  • “Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker cast doubt on the theory of evolution in recent remarks, saying the fact that apes and humans coexist disproves accepted science.”
  • “‘At one time, science said man came from apes, did it not? … If that is true, why are there still apes? Think about it,’ Herschel said in an appearance at Sugar Hill Church in Georgia on Sunday.”
  • “The Walker campaign didn’t respond to a request for additional comment.”

Read the full report here.

Published: Mar 15, 2022 | Last Modified: Mar 22, 2022

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