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Tuesday, Aug 24 2021

Herschel Walker Senate Run Guarantees Georgia GOP Primary Chaos

Aug 24, 2021

Mitch McConnell and national Republicans tried and failed to prevent Walker’s candidacy

Despite Mitch McConnell and his cohort’s best efforts to stop him from running, Herschel Walker today filed to run for U.S. Senate in Georgia’s already crowded and contentious GOP Senate primary.

Mitch McConnell spent months trying to keep Herschel Walker from running, because national and Georgia Republicans know that a full-bore nasty primary is guaranteed to end in disaster for them. But now Walker’s in, and Republicans’ worst fears have come true — because none of these GOP candidates has what it takes to put Georgia families first in the Senate,” said Brad Bainum, American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson.

Since Walker’s announcement, one GOP primary competitor, Gary Black, has already released a video taunting and needling Walker — a sign of where the race is headed.

Mitch McConnell spent months trying to stop this from happening:

  • In late July, there was significant speculation that McConnell and his allies were actively pitching opposition research to try to damage Walker and discourage him from running.
  • By the end of Julythose rumors were effectively confirmed, when Politico quoted McConnell allies John Cornyn and John Thune as effectively saying that Walker should not run.
  • In early August, McConnell’s anti-Walker advocacy and escalating desperation were fully laid bare, as CNN reported that “McConnell, who has privately expressed his deep concerns with Walker’s potential candidacy,” had “suggested to allies that former Georgia senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler should take another look at running again.”


Published: Aug 24, 2021

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