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News Press Releases Larry Hogan Education Reproductive Rights Tuesday, May 14 2024

Hogan’s Victory Is A Loss For Marylanders, A Win for Mitch McConnell

May 14, 2024

Despite his repeated claims of disinterest in Senate duties, Larry Hogan, handpicked by Mitch McConnell in a desperate attempt to win a seat, clinched the GOP primary in Maryland tonight. As governor, Hogan consistently ignored the will of voters on abortion rights and demonized teachers’ unions. Marylanders deserve leaders who prioritize their needs, not puppets of the McConnell agenda.

“Hogan’s primary win is a loss for Marylanders. Maryland deserves better than Hogan’s do-nothing brand of politics-as-usual. He can’t be trusted to defend Marylanders’ abortion rights – and by cozying up to Mitch McConnell, Hogan has shown that he’s more interested in playing politics than serving the needs of the people. Hogan would give MAGA Republicans the majority they need to ban abortion nationwide,” said American Bridge spokesperson Nico Delgado.

Hogan’s track record as governor underscores the threat he would pose in the U.S. Senate:

Published: May 14, 2024 | Last Modified: May 15, 2024

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