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Friday, Aug 8 2014

How Dare Dairy Queen (Pay Its Workers A Living Wage)

Aug 08, 2014

Texas Congressman Blake Farenthold has always been ahead of the curve. First, it was the duckie pajamas. Then, last summer, it was talk of impeaching the president. Now, at a town hall this week in Corpus Christie, Rep. Farenthold has gone even further than just doubling down on his opposition to raising the minimum wage: he has actively mocked a local Texas business (in this case, Dairy Queen) for paying its workers $18/hour. Right on, Congressman. How dare Dairy Queen pay its workers a living wage?

Minimum Wage

2013: Farenthold Voted Against Raising The Federal Minimum Wage To $10.10 Within Two Years. In March 2013, Farenthold effectively voted against an amendment that, according to Congressional Quarterly, “would [have] incrementally increase[d] the federal minimum wage to $10.10 within two years of the [underlying] bill’s enactment.” The vote was on a motion to recommit the underlying bill – the proposed SKILLS Act, which would have reauthorized the Workforce Investment Act through FY 2020 and overhauled 35 employment and job training programs by consolidating them into “one funding stream for state and local use” – with instructions to report it back immediately with the prescribed amendment. In addition to raising the minimum wage, the proposed amendment would have also “clarif[ied] that nothing in the [underlying] bill would repeal, deny or loosen employment protections, training opportunities or educational benefits for certain seniors, veterans, women or youth.” The House rejected the motion by a vote of 184 to 233. [House Vote 74, 3/15/13; Congressional Quarterly, 3/15/13; Congressional Actions, H.R. 803; Congressional Quarterly, 3/15/13]


Farenthold In August 2013: The House Would “Probably” Impeach President Obama If It Were Voted On “Tomorrow,” But He Would Be Acquitted By The Senate. According to Talking Points Memo, “Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX) told constituents at an event […] in his district that, although it would amount to a fruitless effort that could potentially damage the country, Republicans have the votes in the House to impeach President Barack Obama. […] ‘You tie into a question I get a lot, if everybody’s so unhappy with what the President’s done, why don’t you impeach him,’ Farenthold continued. ‘I’ll give you a real frank answer about that, if we were to impeach the President tomorrow, you could probably get the votes in the House of Representatives to do it. But it would go to the Senate and he wouldn’t be convicted.’” [Talking Points Memo, 8/10/13]

  • Worried About Effect And Message Sent If Obama Gets Impeached And Then “Gets Away With What He’s Impeached For And Is Found Innocent.” According to Talking Points Memo, “‘What message do we send to America if we impeach Obama and he gets away with what he’s impeached for and is found innocent? What do we  say then is okay,’ the Congressman conclude. [sic] ‘Aside from the fact that it wouldn’t be effective, I think there’s some potential damage to society that would be done with a failed attempt at impeachment.’” [Talking Points Memo, 8/10/13]

Published: Aug 8, 2014

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