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Thursday, Sep 29 2011

Huffington Post: Nebraska GOP Senate Candidate Jon Bruning Hires Man Behind Infamous 'Willie Horton' Ad

Sep 29, 2011

On September 29, 2011 the Huffington Post wrote about the latest misstep from the Jon Bruning campaign:

“Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning, a Republican candidate looking to challenge Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) in 2012, has hired the man behind one of history’s most infamous attack ads to oversee his campaign’s media strategy.


McCarthy’s resume includes the 1988 Willie Horton spot, an attack ad that weakened Michael Dukakis’ presidential run against George H.W. Bush.

The ad featured the mugshot of Willie Horton, an African-American man convicted of murder who committed a rape and assault while on a prison furlough. The spot, as CNN has noted, “played to racial fears and portrayed Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis as soft on crime.”

More recently, McCarthy crafted ads like “Chinese Professor” and “Mosque” that drew similar criticism.


“What better way to reform your image as a politician who makes racially insensitive comments than to hire the ad firm that makes racially insensitive ads?” said Rodell Mollineau, president of American Bridge 21st Century.”

Read more from the Huffington Post 

Published: Sep 29, 2011

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