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Gender Equality Thursday, Sep 29 2022

ICYMI: Blake Masters Told a Female Cop the Gender Pay Gap Is a Myth

Sep 29, 2022

According to a new report from JezebelArizona Republican U.S. Senate nominee Blake Masters last week reiterated his belief that “men earn more money because they do the ‘risky’ and ‘most dangerous jobs,’ and that the gender pay gap is nothing more than a ‘left-wing narrative.’”

While talking with a female police officer who identified herself as a lifelong Republican, Masters repeated the unhinged view that the gender pay gap is a myth — shortly after the caller explained that she is “‘very much torn’ over whether she’s going to vote for Masters or stay home, partly because of Masters’ statements about women not having ‘dangerous’ jobs.”

Since winning the Republican primary, Masters has doubled down on his extremist views, going so far as to say he supports Lindsay Graham’s national abortion ban and Arizona’s 158-year-old archaic Civil War-era abortion ban. It’s clear that Masters’ views on women belong in the last century.

Jezebel: Blake Masters Told a Female Cop the Gender Pay Gap Is a Myth

By: Susan Rinkunas | September 29, 2022

Key Points

  • “When we last checked in on Blake Masters, the Republican nominee for Senate in Arizona, he had deleted his support for a federal abortion ban from his campaign website. Now, he’s doubling down on his unhinged view that men earn more money because they do the ‘risky’ and ‘most dangerous jobs,’ and that the gender pay gap is nothing more than a ‘left-wing narrative.’”

  • “On Saturday, Masters appeared on the radio show KVOI Inside Track when a woman named Laurie called in and identified herself as a lifelong Republican who is “very much torn” over whether she’s going to vote for Masters or stay home, partly because of Masters’ statements about women not having “dangerous” jobs. (The clip starts at 15:30 here.) Laurie said she’s a Tuscon police officer who wears a bulletproof vest every day while driving in a marked police vehicle and wanted to know if he still stood by that statement.”

  • “Masters began his response by thanking Laurie for her service, before saying that, yes, he still thinks the gender pay gap is a myth—and claimed that when controlling for type of job, men and women are paid exactly the same.”

  • “This is flatly false. Per the U.S. Department of Labor, women earn less than men in nearly all occupations. The DOL site says: ‘You can see how women’s earnings compare with men’s in over 350 occupations using our interactive visualization tool. There are only a handful of occupations where women earn slightly more than their male counterparts, such as health care social workers.’”

Read the full report here.

Published: Sep 29, 2022

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