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Tuesday, Jun 29 2021

Boston Globe: Chris Sununu’s “Big Problem Over Abortion”

Jun 29, 2021

A new report from the Boston Globe’s James Pindell highlights the fact that New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu will be in a very tough spot defending his hardline anti-choice budget should he decide to run for U.S. Senate in 2022.

Sununu signed the strict provisions into law despite vocal opposition from New Hampshire medical providers, who say the “ban could jeopardize the health of pregnant women and deter doctors and researchers from moving to New Hampshire.”

According to Pindell, Sununu signed the bill in a private ceremony, as he “didn’t want to give Democrats an image for their ads next year.” 

But that hasn’t stopped Sununu from praising the budget, which he just yesterday called “phenomenal” and “rock solid.”

Boston Globe: N.H.’s Sununu, the GOP’s top Senate recruit for 2022, may have just created a big political problem over abortion

By James Pindell | June 29, 2021

Key Points:

  • “Tucked into the so-called trailer bill of the budget that Sununu signed late Friday afternoon was a measure that would ban all abortions after 24 weeks, potentially sending doctors who perform them to jail for seven years along with fines up to $100,000.”
  • “There is an exception for medical emergencies, but none for victims of rape or incest. In addition to that, New Hampshire will now require all patients seeking an abortion to first undergo an ultrasound, joining 27 states which already do this.”
  • “[T]he polling has been clear for a while: New Hampshire voters favor abortion rights.”
  • “[T]he big picture takeaway is this: Sununu made himself more vulnerable to Democrats in quietly signing this bill. The fact that there was no budget signing ceremony is the biggest tell that he knew it also. He didn’t want to give Democrats an image for their ads next year.”

Read the full coverage here.

Published: Jun 29, 2021

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