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News JD Vance Wednesday, Oct 16 2024

ICYMI: On Reddit, JD Vance Adviser Called Vance a Trump “Boot Licker” and Shared Ways to Break the Law

Oct 16, 2024

New bombshell reporting from WIRED uncovered Reddit posts made by JD Vance’s financial policy advisor, Aaron Kofsky, in which Kofsky critiqued his boss as a “Trump boot licker” and mentioned ways to break the law to get drugs through airport security.

“Both JD Vance and Donald Trump have bragged about bringing the best people with them to Washington, but their inner circles are full of people with poor judgment, felony records, or extremist views on how to run the government,” said American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson Brandon Weathersby. “Vance and Trump are also surrounded by staffers who clearly dislike them and will shit-talk them at any opportunity. Kofsky joins other Trump-Vance alums, from John Bolton to Mike Pence, in heavily critiquing the ticket, and joins even more who have been caught up in illegal activity. It’s time to stop the Team Trump crime wave by making sure he and his band of criminals don’t make it to the White House again.”

Learn more about WIRED’s reporting:

  • One of JD Vance’s key policy advisers, Aaron Kofsky, has for years posted extensively on Reddit about using a variety of drugs, including cocaine and opiates, under the username PsychoticMammal. In the posts, which are as recent as three months ago, Kofsky wrote about experiencing withdrawal from and trying to “kick” tianeptine— also known as “gas station heroin”—and kratom; advised other users on how to transport drugs on domestic flights; and called Vance “a Trump boot licker.”
  • According to his LinkedIn profile, Kofsky, who is in his late twenties, has been advising Vance on financial policy since this past May, and has been working in the vice presidential nominee’s Senate office since March of last year. A recent Politico article on Vance’s “inner circle” described Kofsky as helping the senator “flesh out his opposition to some cryptocurrency regulation and his effort to introduce new banking regulations after the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank.”
  • A WIRED investigation shows Kofsky is also the person posting as PsychoticMammal. The account has posted personal details that precisely match Kofsky’s résumé, and has linked to a little-followed Instagram account dedicated to photos of Kofsky wearing preppy outfits. A review of publicly available material from data breaches provided by Constella Intelligence shows that Kofsky’s personal email address was used to set up a “PsychoMammal” account on a photography site.
  • Furthermore, the PsychoticMammal name was used on Poshmark by a user whose avatar is a photo of Kofsky. It was also used on Tumblr by someone who linked to— and claimed as his own—a Blogspot maintained by a user named Aaron Kofsky, who posted personal details that match details of Kofsky’s biography.
  • The posts apparently made by Kofsky stand in stark contrast to Vance’s own statements related to drug crime. Since being elected to the Senate in 2022, he has positioned himself as a leader in preventing fentanyl trafficking and, as recently as August, has said the Trump–Vance administration would support use of the death penalty as punishment against drug dealers. Vance, who has spoken at length about fentanyl trafficking and rose to prominence as the author of a book that discussed his mother’s drug addiction, which he referenced during his Republican National Convention speech this summer. He also argued that Democrats are letting drugs cross the border from Mexico.
  • After WIRED contacted Kofsky for comment, some of PsychoticMammal’s posts about drugs were deleted, and their Poshmark avatar was changed to a picture of characters from the Star Wars movie Attack of the Clones.
  • For the past 11 years, PsychoticMammal has used Reddit to document their use of a variety of drugs including cocaine, tianeptine, kratom, oxycodone, Ritalin, and MDMA. In one post from eight years ago, they listed all of the drugs they had tried to that point, rating them on a scale of one to 10.
  • These drug-related posts have continued while Kofsky has been employed by the Senate. In May 2022, for example, PsychoticMammal responded to a post in the r/Cocaine subreddit, giving advice on how to smuggle drugs past airport security. “Putting a bag in between pages of a book or in your wallet is also a safe bet,” they wrote. “TSA xray machines just show different types of material as different colors. What they’re looking for is metal. Since most book covers also have plastic in them, it’ll just all show up as the same color. I’ve never had an issue.”
  • In January, PsychoticMammal posted a video from a Senate committee hearing in which Vance questions a former Drug Enforcement Administration agent on the increasing use of nitazenes, or manufactured opioids; Kofsky appears in the background.
  • They posted the video on several drug-related subreddits, including r/Opioid_RCs, r/Drugs, r/Opiates, and r/ObscureDrugs. PsychoticMammal also posted it in r/ResearchChemicals, writing, “Surprising! Politician knows about nitazenes. Ohio Senator JD Vance Asks Witness About Nitzenes. Is it just me, or is this super surprisng? Like I’m just confused how this guy had heard of zenes? I can’t imagine any of his colleagues know anything about them.”
  • A different user commented on the post, pointing out Kofsky and writing, “that dude on the right behind him looks high on something lol.” PsychoticMammal then agreed with the user, writing, “Haha I didn’t notice that guy before. His eyes are def buggin. Maybe snorted some ole white girl beforehand? I’m sure half of congress rails lines.”
  • Later on in the thread, a different user accused PsychoticMammal of being Vance because the linked video was unlisted. “Unlisted? 21 views? Senator Vance, is that you?” “Lol I wish! Would love to be rolling in the dough like him and his VC buddies,”      PsychoticMammal replied. “Honestly when I first watched this the thought kinda      crossed my mind that maybe he’s familiar because he is a fan himself, but I feel like that’s doubtful given his politics. I’m sure there are a few congressmen who indulge, but I doubt they’re using zenes or other RCs [research chemicals]. Seems like a coke kinda job.”
  • In the comments of a now deleted post on r/ObscureDrugs, PsychoticMammal, responding to a user claiming that nitazenes are not obscure drugs, called Vance a “Trump boot licker.” “I just can’t believe that this Trump boot licker Vance is ahead of the curve here,” the comments reads.
  • PsychoticMammal described numerous instances of drug use in posts dating from the time Kofsky worked for then senator Pat Toomey and Vance. “I love coke on its own, mixed with benzos, mixed with opiates (my fav tbh), and even love a line or two after smoking a few bowls. I’d even say that coke is my second favorite drug behind opiates,” they wrote earlier this year. In May of last year, they wrote about “my latest tianeptine binge which has skyrocketed my tolerance” and “hoping to finally kick Tia”—references to an unscheduled antidepressant that produces an effect similar to opioids and which is banned in 12 states and commonly sold at convenience stores. In May 2022, they wrote: “Coke then opiates is always my go-to. I only speedball if I have enough opiates to redose when I’m out of blow.”
  • PsychoticMammal has also repeatedly referenced using kratom, a substance sourced from the leaves of a Southeast Asian tree that mimics the effects of opioids and is often sold at corner stores and smoke shops. Two years ago, in response to a Reddit user who was seeking pain relief, they wrote: “I’ve dabbled in every drug you can think of—kratom is the one drug that really tripped me up and I found myself addicted to. Not sure what it was about it as it’s like a much milder opiate, but man what that shit was hell for me  to quit.”
  • As recently as three months ago, PsychoticMammal posted to the r/7_hydroxymitragynine subreddit asking for help locating one of the compounds found in kratom in DC, Northern Virginia, or Maryland.

Published: Oct 16, 2024 | Last Modified: Oct 20, 2024

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