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News News Articles Press Releases Eric Hovde Health Care Wednesday, Jul 3 2024

ICYMI: Out-of-state millionaire Eric Hovde disparages ACA provision to let young people stay on insurance plans, calls young people “lazy”

Jul 03, 2024

Yesterday, Heartland Signal released shocking audio of Eric Hovde, a California carpetbagger and GOP Senate candidate in Wisconsin, disparaging a key provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). In the recording, Hovde not only criticized the ACA’s provision allowing young adults to stay on their parents’ health insurance until age 26 as “stupid,” but agreed that those benefiting from it were “lazy.” His remarks have sparked outrage, with Wisconsinites dubbing him a “gaffe machine.” Hovde pledged to repeal the ACA if elected, raising concerns among voters reliant on these crucial health care protections.

“California millionaire Eric Hovde’s latest hot mic moment is a deliberate insult to young Wisconsinites who rely on the Affordable Care Act. From young to old, Hovde is on a mission to insult every Wisconsinite by the end of this election. His relentless attacks on the Affordable Care Act underscore why he’s dangerous, and voters will reject him come November,” said American Bridge spokesperson Nico Delgado.

Heartland Signal: Eric Hovde calls ACA provision allowing young adults to remain on parents’ health plans ‘stupid’

In audio obtained by Heartland Signal, Wisconsin Republican Senate candidate Eric Hovde was secretly recorded deriding the Obamacare policy which allows young adults to stay on their parents’ health care plan until they are 26.

The conversation was prompted by an unidentified voter at last week’s Outagamie County Fair who was concerned that the Affordable Care Act policy “makes them [young people] lazy.”

“It’s a stupid idea for this reason: All we’re doing is delaying younger people’s maturation,” Hovde responded. “And they need to grow up and move on and stand on their own two feet. And by the way, your lowest health care costs are when you’re 21 to 26.” 

Hovde then advocated for “personalized health care that you can buy when you’re young that stays with you your whole life” instead of health care plans purchased through employers.

It’s hard to imagine that such sentiment will appeal to young voters in the state, whom Hovde implied were not finding work because the health care system incentivized it. When the voter complained that her grandson was still living at home and was unmotivated, Hovde claimed it was part of a larger trend in America.

“I think we have never had such a large percentage of working-age Americans that are sitting on the couch and not involved,” Hovde said.

“And still living with their parents,” the voter replied.

“And still living with their parents. It’s sad.”

Hovde’s campaign did not respond to a request for comment by press time.

The Wisconsin businessman and philanthropist is currently trailing the incumbent, Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), by five percentage points in projected polling.

Published: Jul 3, 2024 | Last Modified: Jul 17, 2024

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