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News News Articles Press Releases Rick Scott Tuesday, Jul 30 2024

ICYMI: Rick Scott’s Fingerprints are All Over Project 2025

Jul 30, 2024

A new Daily Kos report reveals Florida Senator Rick Scott’s deep ties to Project 2025 and its authors. This revelation comes as Republicans scramble to distance themselves from one of the most extreme policy agendas in their party’s recent history. Despite his bid to become the next GOP Senate leader, Scott has remained silent on Project 2025. However, the report clearly shows that he’s heavily involved in the project.

“Rick Scott has been silent on Project 2025, but his fingerprints are all over it. With Scott running to be the next GOP Senate leader, he could easily make nightmare Project 2025 a reality if Republicans take the White House and the Senate,” said American Bridge 21st Century Senate Communications Director, Nico Delgado.

Daily Kos: Florida senator is raring to help Trump enact Project 2025

But that doesn’t mean Project 2025 is just about Trump. Because it takes more than the power of the White House to rip apart our institutions—at least at the start. To really get the wrecking balls flying, Project 2025 would also need some quislings in Congress. And few are more open about their support for the Heritage Foundation than Florida Sen. Rick Scott.

Scott is deeply connected with both Project 2025 and Roberts. It’s not just a matter of Scott praising Roberts (although that has certainly happened), or of Roberts praising Scott (although … that too). 

This has been a long-term collaborative partnership. Scott has worked directly with Roberts and the Heritage Foundation to produce a video series blaming Democratic policies for the national debt without mentioning the effects of Republican tax policies. Scott’s video series also blamed inflation on President Joe Biden’s policies while ignoring the need to keep businesses and individuals solvent during the pandemic or the disaster that Trump left behind.

Scott has appeared on Roberts’ podcast to criticize investigations into Trump, and Roberts has praised Scott’s plan for fighting “woke extremism.” It’s no wonder why: With its nationwide ban on abortion, plan to replace public education with a voucher scheme, and of course “keeping men out of women’s sports” talking point, Scott’s 12-point agenda (which actually includes over 100 policy proposals) contains a lot of the same ideas as Project 2025.

In fact, Scott has already put the Heritage Foundation to work in the war on democracy. When he was governor of Florida, Scott hired the author of Project 2025’s chapter on election reform, attorney Hans von Spakovsky, to help conduct a purge of Florida’s voter rolls. Voter suppression has become critical to the GOP’s hold over Florida.

Two years ago, Scott and Roberts were side by side to promote Scott’s “plan for rescuing America.” Together they sold a paranoid vision of a drowning nation that could only be saved by “bold leadership.”

“Consider our situation in America today,” Scott said. “The militant left now controls the entire federal government, the news media, universities, Hollywood, big tech, and most corporate boardrooms. But they want more. They’re redefining America and silencing their opponents.”

Read the entire story in Daily Kos.

Published: Jul 30, 2024

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