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Climate Change

News Climate Change Friday, Apr 22 2016

Florida GOP Field Ignoring Serious Threat Posed By Climate Change

Florida GOP Field Ignoring Serious Threat Posed By Climate Change On Earth Day, American Bridge is highlighting the Florida GOP field's…

News Climate Change Friday, Apr 22 2016

Mark Kirk's No Moderate On Environment

On Earth Day, American Bridge is highlighting Senator Mark Kirk's poor record on environmental issues. "Senator Mark Kirk claims to be…

News Climate Change Friday, Apr 22 2016

Kelly Ayotte Prioritizes Koch Brothers and Big Oil Over Protecting The Environment

On Earth Day, American Bridge is highlighting Senator Kelly Ayotte's poor record on environmental issues. "Senator Kelly Ayotte claims to…

News Climate Change Friday, Apr 22 2016

John McCain, Climate Change Denier

On Earth Day, American Bridge is highlighting Senator John McCain's poor record on environmental issues. "Senator John McCain's record on…

News Climate Change Tuesday, Jan 12 2016

"Not A Scientist" Republicans Will Reverse President's Climate Change Progress

Between last month's historic climate agreement in Paris and the increased EPA regulations on carbon pollution, it's been an exceptional year for President Obama's climate…

News Climate Change Thursday, Dec 31 2015

The Year Trump Took Over, Pt. 5: Anti-Science Climate Change Denial

Earlier this month leaders from 195 countries celebrated the adoption of a historic, years-in-the-making agreement formalizing a global commitment to cut greenhouse…

News Climate Change Tuesday, Dec 1 2015

GOP Field On Climate Change: I Don't Understand The Problem And I Won't Respond To It

If you're a Republican running for president, you're more likely than not a climate change-denier. And if you do recognize…

News Climate Change Tuesday, Sep 29 2015

Jeb Bush's Energy Plan: Just Another Republican Big Oil Giveway

Already being compared to "Mitt Romney's energy platform," Jeb Bush is rolling out his energy plan in Pittsburgh this afternoon.…

News Climate Change Friday, Sep 25 2015

The GOP Gives Pope Francis The Cold Shoulder

From the very start of Pope Francis' first visit to the United States, GOP presidential candidates and members of Congress have…

Climate Change Monday, Jun 22 2015

Republicans Fight Losing Battle With Pope On Climate Change

Republicans like Jeb Bush and Rick Santorum -- and the Koch brothers -- ignored the writing on the wall when they fought a losing battle with Pope Francis and the reams of science behind human-caused climate change. Instead, they took on more than they could chew and made sure their climate change denialism will be a major issue this election. Here's what happens when you're on the losing side of an argument with the pope: Washington Post: How Climate-Change Doubters Lost a Papal Battle. “Yet the battle lost over climate change also suggests how hard it may be for critics to blunt the power of a man who has become something of a juggernaut in an institution where change tends to unfold over decades, even centuries. More than anything, to those who doubt the human impact of global warming, the position staked out by Francis in his papal document, known as an encyclical, means a major defeat…

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