Rubio Looks To Increase Deficit With $6.8 Trillion, Big Donor-Friendly Tax Plan
Like Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Jeb Bush -- pretty much every other Republican candidate -- Marco Rubio is promoting a tax plan with…
Ted Cruz's Tax Plan Would Cost $8.6 Trillion, "Mainly Benefit High-Income Households"
Costing $8.6 trillion and "mainly [benefiting] high-income households," Ted Cruz's tax plan fits right in with the rest of the…
Republican Tax Plans Add Trillions To The Deficit
Every Republican on stage is proposing an extreme tax plan that lowers taxes for the wealthiest one percent. The radical…
GOP Tax Plans Make Mitt Romney Look Moderate
The 2016 Republican field has done something we once thought impossible: make Mitt Romney's tax plan look moderate. GOP tax…
GOP Tax Plans: Good For Their Billionaire Special Interest Backers, Bad For Working People & The Middle Class
It's clear who the GOP is most interested in impressing tonight: special interest billionaires like the Koch brothers who could bankroll…
Drop The Mic: GOP Can't Argue With Obama On Economy, Taxes
Facts are stubborn things, and no amount of spinning or cherry-picked statistics can argue with the reality that President Obama…
The Year Trump Took Over, Pt. 3: Tax Cuts For The Rich
The past year will forever be remembered as the year Donald Trump took over the Republican Party. His ubiquitous media presence and position atop the polls have put…
Jeb Bush Is Still Running For President, And Now His Tax Plan Would Cost $8 Trillion
While Jeb Bush's tax plan mirrors other Republican plans like Marco Rubio's and give the largest benefits to the wealthy -- including $800,000…
Rubio's Plan Is Up Next: PolitiFact Confirms Jeb Bush's Tax Plan Favors The Wealthy
Jeb Bush got caught for saying what many of his fellow Republicans like Marco Rubio inaccurately tout about their tax…
Rubio Thinks "There Has To Be Oversight" — Just Not For Wall Street, Apparently
Last night, Marco Rubio, prolific opponent of Wall Street regulations, got worked up about wasteful and fraudulent USAID and Department…