Team Rubio Concedes Study Exaggerates "Progressivity" Of His Tax Plan
For all Marco Rubio's faux-outrage over his tax-policy debate confrontation with John Harwood, turns out Harwood was right after all. And…
Rubio Was Wrong: Anti-Middle Class Tax Plan In Light Of Day
Marco Rubio couldn't hide the truth about his regressive tax plan at last night's debate. Unfortunately for Rubio, multiple analyses…
American Bridge Statement On Tonight's GOP Debate
American Bridge 21st Century President Jessica Mackler released the following statement on the dumpster fire that was tonight'sRepublican debate: "This…
Marco Rubio Admits His Tax Plan Favors Wealthy
Marco Rubio took time out of the Republican mudfight to remind voters that his tax plan overwhelmingly favors the wealthy.…
The GOP Field's Big-Donor-Friendly Tax Agenda That Favors The 1%
The tax plans Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Donald Trump, and the rest of the GOP field are shilling at tonight's debate are…
With A 27% Favorability Rating, Ron Johnson Does A "Full Flop" On Ex-Im
Senator Ron Johnson is vulnerable. A recent Wisconsin poll has Johnson losing re-election to the Senate, with a 27% favorability rating. It's not…
NEW VIDEO: Marco Rubio's Hypocrisy On Working Families
Marco Rubio yesterday borrowed from Jeb Bush's playbook of revealing just how out of touch and extreme his positions are,…
What Would Jeb Do With His $800,000?
Jeb Bush released a new ad focusing on his tax policy, hoping to highlight how Americans could use the money…
Marco Rubio's Wall Street Recess
Marco Rubio is in New York this week making the rounds on Wall Street, but cozying up to hedge fund managers and…
Jeb Bush's Energy Proposal Would "Significantly" Benefit Top Donors To His Super PAC
A new International Business Times analysis shows Jeb Bush's energy proposal would "significantly" benefit top donors to his super PAC. Jeb "Own…