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News Kelly Ayotte Education Tuesday, Oct 6 2015

Kelly Ayotte Puts Big Banks Ahead Of NH Students

In a laughable attempt to cover up her terrible record on college affordability, Kelly Ayotte introduced a new bill that…

News Education Tuesday, Sep 15 2015

Walker's Ties To New Wisconsin Common Core Test Complicates Things

Scott Walker wants voters to believe that nothing's changed as Wisconsin adopts a new Common Core test and he took $10,000 from the CEO…

News Education Tuesday, Sep 8 2015

Watch: The GOP's Welcome Back To Students

With students returning to classrooms across the country this week, American Bridge put together a helpful video guide for all your back…

News Education Wednesday, Aug 19 2015

Christie Doubles Down On Punching Teachers Union In The Face

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie still wants to punch teachers unions in the face. This afternoon in New Hampshire, Christie told The…

News Education Monday, Aug 10 2015

The GOP College Affordability Rhetoric Just Doesn't Add Up

The GOP presidential candidates profess their interest in making college affordable. They claim they want to increase access to the…

News Education Monday, Aug 10 2015

Rubio, For-Profit College Beneficiary, Supports Plan Benefiting For-Profit Colleges

Absentee U.S. Senator and for-profit college beneficiary Marco Rubio this morning went on Fox & Friends to talk about college affordability. Here's what…

News Education Tuesday, Jul 7 2015

Marco Rubio would make students pay more for college

Marco Rubio took the bold step of offering a plan that even he acknowledges might make some people pay more for their…

News Kelly Ayotte Economy Education LGBTQ+ Tuesday, Jun 30 2015

Kelly Ayotte Goes Full Washington

Kelly Ayotte is launching her reelection campaign as one of the most vulnerable Republicans in the country. Granite Staters don’t trust Ayotte to put them first ahead of the special interests bankrolling her campaign, and it’s easy to see why after five years in D.C. Ayotte’s resume reads like a who’s who of out-of-touch Republican positions:

  • Ayotte supports raising the retirement age and cutting Social Security benefits.
  • Ayotte voted to roll back Wall Street reforms, while her largest donors are Wall Street execs.
  • Ayotte opposes equal pay measures and voted against the Paycheck Fairness Act.
  • Ayotte voted to voucherize Medicare in the Ryan Budget.
  • Ayotte is anti-choice and would overturn Roe v. Wade.
  • Ayotte voted to defund Planned Parenthood.
  • Ayotte would allow employers to make health care decisions for female employees by supporting the Blunt Amendment and Hobby Lobby decision.
  • Ayotte opposes marriage equality and same-sex adoption.
  • Ayotte voted against allowing people to refinance their college loan debt.
It’s no wonder that Republicans are already vowing to shatter previous New Hampshire spending and groups like Karl Rove’s are jumping into the race to prop up Kelly Ayotte. Special interests are doing everything they can to keep Ayotte in D.C. because she’s a rubber stamp for their priorities.

News Economy Education Health Care Tuesday, Jun 30 2015

MEMO/VIDEO: Bully Seeking Pulpit

Chris Christie enters the race as a brazen, outspoken bully hoping to use the 2016 pulpit to pull his GOP opponents like Jeb Bush further to the extreme right. With nine credit downgrades and a 30 percent approval rating under his belt, Christie has made the calculation that his charming personality alone won’t do the trick in the wake of Bridgegate. American Bridge is also releasing a new video that shows Christie is now aligning himself with the extreme wing of his party in an attempt to gain traction.

News Education Wednesday, May 6 2015

Multimillionaire, Political Savant Ron Johnson is on a Warpath Against College Kids

Multimillionaire Senator Ron Johnson thinks we're helping too many young, aspiring Americans go to college. At a recent event in Wisconsin, Johnson said, "What's wrong? Well partly, student loans are available and kids are using them." Students are taking 5 and 6 years to graduate simply because loans are too easy to access and "college is a lot of fun," he went on to say.

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